Chapter 8 - Cimaruta

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 Mercutio ran through the streets, passing house after house. He had to get to the healer, he didn't want Vita to be suffering. It was this conviction that was the only thing keeping him from going over to the Capulet house and smiting Tybalt on the spot - the cur. 

He passed by Vita's house, then hurried down the street next to it. He looked up at the wall next to him and a twinge of pain shot down his back. Ah! That wall border's Vita's back garden, he thought, remembering more pieces from last night. The bucket that he tripped over, the candle that Vita held, the warmth of her body against his...

The memories that washed through his mind left his body confused - he had a task after all, so why was he thinking lusty thoughts? 

"That must have been why Vita is so amorous," Mercutio mused to himself as he loped down the street, "Last night I must have been able to woo her somewhat." His face split into a lazy grin, like a cat with cream.

He eventually made it to the end of the street, where it ended in a small cul-de-sac, small houses surrounding him. One of the houses caught his eye - the awning had two branches of rue either side of the door. This must be the house of the wise woman Vita was talking about, Mercutio thought. Whilst normally he wouldn't want to dabble with pagans - rue was a common symbol for la vecchia religione - he had to help Vita any way he could.

Steadying himself, he approached the door. Before he could knock, the door swung inward, startling him so much that he fell backwards onto the street. A woman walked out, laughing heartily, hands on her hips. "Come now my lord, no need to dirty yourself to try and fit in around here - one only needs to look at your skin and face to see that you are noble. No amount of dirt shall hide that." 

Mercutio gawked on the ground for a moment, then stood back up, dusting himself off. This woman was not who he was expecting when Vita said wise woman.

Firstly, she was younger than he thought - she was still older than him, but not past her prime in the least. A vitality and mirth shone in her eyes, her face showing small wrinkles from much laughter. Small curls of auburn hair escaped from under her headscarf, accentuating the warmth in her face. She wore simple clothes, but all in good condition, with signs of embroidery at the hems and cuffs. Pulled in at the waist by a simple girdle, it showed off her healthy figure, which to Mercutio wasn't too displeasing.

The one thing that let Mercutio know that she was the strega was a small pendant hanging from her neck - a rue branch of silver, with moons, stars and knives at the points. Finding his manners, he bowed to the woman, proffering, "My lady Merelda, I apologise for my intrusion - I only wish to entreat your assistance for my, ah..." What was Vita? A lover, a friend? Neither seemed right, but he wasn't sure what to say.

"My lord, if you need assistance in the bedroom, I have a variety of herbs that will aid in 'rising to the occasion', as one might say," she smirked, looking almost pitifully at Mercutio, "Also, I'm not going to curse you, so stop grovelling like if you offend me I'll turn you into a toad," she added, flicking his forehead lightly. 

Mercutio smiled cheekily, replying, "Madam, I have no need for such herbs, I rise to the occasion just fine." He refocused, the smile disappearing from his face, "No, I am in need of assistance for my friend, she has had a strike to the head and is in a great amount of pain. I had called a surgeon to help her, but she refused his treatment and asked me to come to you instead," he explained. 

"Oh?" she questioned, her eyebrows raising, "And who might this be?"

"She is Vita, kind madam, and I entreat you to assist me. I will pay you anything to help her," he begged.

"Vita! Oh dear, well that certainly won't do at all! That poor girl...," Merelda said, turning back into her house. 

Mercutio stood there in confusion, wondering what the woman meant, whether she would help or not. He slowly made his way towards the door, slightly scared of what he might see within. Before he was able to enter, Merelda bustled out of the door, pushing him back onto the street. 

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