Chapter 6 - Cruel Intent

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The sun shone over the city of Verona, another warm day causing the flowers to release their scent throughout the streets. In seperate parts of the city, Vita and Mercutio both awoke from the previous night's encounter, however they both remembered the events in different ways.


Vita threw the sheets over her eyes as the sun peeked through the window onto her bed. She had barely been able to sleep at all after Mercutio had left, for she was left imagining how things could have gone differently if she had invited him in, or if they had gone out into the vast fields beyond the city and spent the night under the moon...

It was thoughts like that that kept her from falling asleep. Groaning, she rolled out of bed, hoping that she wasn't too late for Rosaline's wardrobe review. Glancing out the window, she figured she would have a small amount of time to have a bite to eat and run over. No time to waste on a bathe. 

Pulling a shift dress over her sleeping gown, she grabbed a dark red vest and tied it at her waist. Grabbing the matching overskirt, she hurriedly laced herself into it, then slipped on her best shoes. Hopefully she would be able to look relatively respectful in the richer districts of town, especially if she were to be visiting Mercutio's villa later this afternoon...

Smiling at the prospect of seeing Mercutio again, Vita grabbed a roll of bread from the counter, still fresh from the bakers. She hadn't seen her father this morning, but she assumed that he had already been to the markets to sell some stock, and had picked up the rolls on the way home. She would have to thank him later. 

Wrapping a shawl over her head to protect her from the sun, Vita strode out of the cottage onto the streets, walking briskly towards the Capulet household. Looking at the sun, she cursed softly and started running. "I shouldn't have slept in so late... not that sleeping was the thing occupying the time," she mused. 

She crested the hill that marked the boundary between the richer and poorer areas. She was nearly there, she just had to go a little further and she would make it. She saw the Capulet mansion, in all its glory. With the beautiful gardens, tall windows and doors, rich marble and ornate carvings, it was a reminder of everything that the noble had and the rest of the people didn't. Such a tribute to nepotism and inheritance. If Rosaline wasn't so naive and endearing, Vita probably couldn't stand her.

Vita slowed down as she reached the front gates of the mansion, trying to compose herself at least a small amount. Nodding to the servants at the gates, she made her way into the front gardens, where a few of the Capulet noblemen were sitting near the pond, in enthusiastic conversation. She didn't want to have to talk to them, so she tried to remember where Rosaline's rooms were. Curses! Why did they have to make these mansions so big! They were all too confusing! She grumbled in frustration and made her way to go ask the servants if they could take her to Rosaline.

"Hey! What is your business here, girl?" a voice shouted from behind her.

Turning, Vita saw that the Capulet men had stopped their conversation and noticed her. Making their way over to where she was, she recognised them - it was Lord Tybalt and his cousins, the leaders of the Capulet youth. Whilst Tybalt was held in high regards amongst the Capulet nobles, as a young man he had a jealous and black heart, and had been known to be cruel to animals, servants, and even children. Amongst the poorer regions of the town he was despised, as he would stir up trouble in the streets, causing mess and havoc, then not taking any responsibility and shifting blame. He had never been reprimanded for his actions, so he was allowed to do what he pleased. 

Vita bowed her head, dropping into a small curtsy. She didn't want to pick a fight with him, who was well known for his temper. "My lord, I am here for Lady Rosaline, I am to help her with her wardrobe," Vita spoke softly, trying to appear humble and insignificant. 

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