Chapter Two

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Cleaning. One thing Andi hated to do. Andi was nice until Patricia started. That was when Andi gave up. The girls had been working for hours, and were almost finished. Andi was exhausted. She wished they had had their fight during breakfast. When they were finished Patricia snapped at Andi, and stomped up the stairs to were her bedroom was. She shares with Joy and Amber, which means that she would be in the room with Nina and Mara. When she got up the stairs and into her bedroom Nina was gone. She wasn't in her bed. Mara must have noticed Andi looking at the empty bed because she replied with, "Happens often, probably in some secret meeting with their secret gang," Andi didn't know what it was or who it was with but she wanted in. She changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt, and casually closed the door behind her. Victor had just walked down into the lower hall. Odd, she thought to herself. "You have five minutes precisely," Victor shouted, "And then I want to hear a pin drop." Andi froze, she heard a clatter of a small pin and let out her breath. Victor came walking fast up the stairs. Andi's heart started to beat faster, and faster. He strode up the stairs, Andi wanted so much to avoid getting into trouble. She ran down the hallway. Think, think, she told herself. And quickly opened the door to Amber's room. And quickly but quietly shut it behind her. She looked around. The light was on, but no one was in the room. 

With confident thoughts she strode towards the breadoven. The wierdest thing. The breadoven was cracked open, yet no one could get it open during the day. She had even tried herself. She had wandered down to the kitchen because she wanted a midnight snack. She crouched down, and lifted the door to the oven. There seemed to be a passage. She took a deep breath and followed it. As she got down into the basement, which is where the passage led, she saw odd things. Bottles, science experiments, there were colors of all sorts. Bottles full, half full, drained. Everything.  But she still walked slowly. She turned around and a cabinet was standing in front of her. She walked towards it, she pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and used the light to guide her. She had her hands on the cabinet doors, she was about to pull it open when a hand slammed it shut. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Someone said, I turned around and it was Fabian. Him and everyone were standing watching. Joy, Amber, Nina, Alfie, Patricia, and Eddie. "I-I" Andi started. "It's okay, um this is our science lab." Amber tried, sounding unsure of herself. "That's why there are chemicals down here." Nina added to put up the fake story. "A science lab in your cellar?" Andi asked, in an irish accent. "Yes, um, that's how brits do it around here." Eddie replied. "Mmhm, and if this is a science lab, why don't I just open this cabinet and expect to see science stuff." Andi was pushing her luck. "Because there are dead animals in there." Amber said. "That-That we disect." Fabian said while stepping on Amber's shoe. "Well why are you guys down here then?" Andi asked. "Well we, are just catching up on a project." Alfie exclaimed glad he finally had a good idea to add to the lie. "In the dark? Through a breadoven? In your pajamas?" "Yes, thats how we role." Eddie laughed. This is such a lie Andi thought. No way they are working on a project, maybe Fabian and Nina, they are the school smarts but Eddie? Patricia? Alfie? "Fine." Andi said. She pushed past all of them and headed for the passage. Taking a last look at the 'Science Lab' she went back through the passage. Back in the cellar everyone else was talking. "That was so close." Patricia said, "We better get back." "Sibuna." They all said as they did their signature move. The one thing none of them knew was Andi was sitting there in the tunnel hearing it all. 

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