Chapter Eight

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There was an eerie silence that fell over the entire room. "Guys, this is not good." Patricia continued really scared and really focused. "Rufus was wearing a mask, he pulled it off and started to talk to me. He says he knows Andi is the osirian and she needs to protect him, that's what the osirian is supposed to do, protect the chosen one." "But Nina's the chosen one," Alfie added, "Andi is now supposed to protect Nina," "But Rufus is also a chosen one, he was supposed to die that's why Nina is also one." Patricia replied. "It is ten o'clock, you have five minutes precisely." Everyone else joined in mockingly "Then I want to hear a pin drop." "Night guys." Everyone started to disperse.

The next day was slow, and scary, for everyone that knew that Rufus was still alive and wanted to see Andi. There were so many ideas that were suggested, not to do it, send a fake locket, get an adult, but the one that they all went with was that everyone would hide in the bushes and watch. The one problem that they had was getting Andi to go with Patricia and meet Rufus. "There is not a chance in the world Andi is going to go with the rudest girl in school to meet some psychopath who has tried to kill us on more than one occasion." "Nina, you do have a point, but we need to see what Rufus is up to now so we can stop him." Fabian had a good point also. "I'll deal with Andi as long as you guys aren't there she might trust me." Eddie said. "She is my sister." Patricia glared at Eddie from across the room. "Okay Eddie tell Andi that you guys need to go meet someone." "In the woods?" Amber asked. "Yes in the woods. Where else?" "So is this normal for brits to, oh I don't know sneak out meet in secret just to talk about me?" Nina whirled around to see Andi standing there in front of everyone. "Whatever it is explain it to me." Andi said. "Are you sure your Eddie's sister? Cause you have the same personality as Patricia!" Alfie commented from the corner. "Okay Andi you can't tell anyone." Nina stood up and guided Andi to a sitting position. "We are going to kidnap you." "Do what?" Andi asked. But just then Victor walked into their room and cut Nina and Andi off.

House of AnubisOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora