Chapter Ten

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The plane ride took longer than expected, but soon they landed in Chicago airport. Everything was new and weird to Andi, she had only been out of Ireland to go to Anubis House, that's it. This was all new to her. Eddie and Nina chatted away because this was their home, everything was old to them they had done this a thousand times before. Eddie, Nina, and Andi got out of the airport and had rented a car. Andi had been sitting for hours and was antsy but she never said a word. Eddie and Nina barely acknowledged Andis presence, they were having a blast. Andi hadn't wanted to come but they made her, apparently it was good "sibling bonding" she had tried to get her dad to say no to this whole rendezvous, but he didn't. He simply said oh sounds like a good idea and let the three teenagers cross the country's borders alone. Andi knew that this wasn't exactly dangerous but still. Nina had to visit her gran and nobody knew exactly why they were being called out to America. It's not exactly like you just say come for dinner, if you live in Britain. Eddie said he wanted to visit his mom, Andi and Eddie are half siblings so they share the same dad but not the same mom. So Eddie went to visit his mom, Nina went to visit her gran and Andi didn't exactly know what to do.
Nina opened the door to her Grans house calling hello! Is anybody there? No answer. Nina thought this was odd, Gran had called for her all the way in Britain just to come and stay the night at her house. Hello! Nina called. And then she dropped her suitcase. She saw what her gran had called her for. Victor, Mr. Sweet and the odd new house mother were standing in Ninas Grans living room with the cup of ankh. "Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Mr. Sweet said. As he holds out a picture of Ninas Gran sleeping on a bed handcuffed.

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