Chapter Seven

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"Guys look what I found!" Fabian yelled running into Patricia's room. Nina was also there along with Joy, and Amber. "Okay, so remember when Alfie took the book of Isis from Andi? Well, what he also took was this." He lifted out a paper. It had Andi's writing on it, "I looked into it, and it explains where there is a hidden tunnel that takes us to Mr. Sweet's office." "Okay, that's nice, but what would we want in Mr. Sweet's office?" "I don't kn-" "Patricia Williamson." Victor's voice came from behind the door. "Come out this minute there is someone here to see you." Patricia stood up. Joy also did. Patricia looked at Joy confused. "Last time I got called to the office I had to give up all technology and just play board games." Patricia nodded in agreement. Joy and Patricia walked out of the room. "Back inside, there you go." Victor pushed Joy back into the room. "Okay, this is wierd." Fabian said. "Guys, don't worry it's probably just her dad, or mom." Nina said, assuringly. "Anyway, I think we need to try this tunnel out. Maybe-" The door opened. Patricia walked back through. "Patricia are you okay?" "No, no, I am not." "Well what is it?" Amber asked. "Guys, it's Rufus, he just threatened me." "You mean, Rufus is still alive?" Joy asked. "Man, that guy just can't die can he?" Amber asked. "He said bring Andi to me, tomorrow morning in the clearing in the woods. And make sure she has Nina's locket." 

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