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One of the things I don't particularly like about my brother is his usage of the phrase, 'one thing lead to another'. Like, er, that doesn't really explain anything, right? I feel like it's his go to phrase for when he's too lazy to explain what actually happened or when he just wants to simplify things and quickly get over it. But somehow, today, I found myself: 1.) Too lazy to explain what actually happened and 2.) Wanting to simplify things and quickly get over it. Whatever that 'it' is.

It all started out as a simple case of borrowing.

"P', do you have a pencil sharpener?" The kid asked me after sometime as the lead on his pencil snapped and he can't continue with what he's doing anymore.

"I believe we have one here." I said with much hesitation while thinking of where the little thing is hiding in this two-storey house. "Let me see." I mumbled almost to myself as I stand up to rummage the little box of pens and other office supplies in the living room. And like what usually happens when I'm intently looking for something I need, whatever it is magically disappears. Then next thing I know, just when I'm no longer looking for it and just chillin somewhere in the house, it'll magically appear within my line of vision and I'll realize how foolish I've been to never noticed it when it's actually just lying around in plain sight.

I have a hunch that history will repeat itself this time but since I'm kind and patient and simply amazing, I tried looking for it some more upstairs in our shared room but guess what, it wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"I have a mechanical pencil. Use it first." P'Song offered after seeing me pull at my hair for being unable to find the sharpener.

"I don't like using mechanical pencils." The kid replied in his usual emotionless tone.

"I have another pencil. I can lend it to you." I offered hoping the little devil will give up on the sharpener.

"I don't want any other pencil, P'."

P'Song and I both rolled our eyes and gave each other knowing looks. The word 'difficult' will feel shy around this kid.

That's just a pencil not your lover. Why can't you just use a different one?

"We have a newly-bought knife. It's really sharp. I can use that to trim the edges of your pencil so you can use it." P'Song suggested.

That's my brother.

I was nodding excitedly at the little devil after hearing P'Song's idea and was expecting he will finally agree when he simply replied:

"I won't trouble you to do that P'. And besides, I can't have my pencil looking ugly."

The look of defeat was looming in P'Song's face after hearing the little devil's reply while I myself felt disheartened too.

We never won any round.

Little devil - 3
Brother tandem - 0

Still suffering from shock after our embarrassing loss. P'Song and I were quiet for a long time.




"Guess I'll just call my brother and have him bring my sharpener and some extra clothes." The kid stated after pondering for a while. He then immediately dialed his brother's number while I sat with my fingers crossed at my back hoping some important business will keep this kid's brother from coming.

I can't face that person so soon.

But as darn luck would have it, P'Mork is free and he agreed with his brother's request. Now I'm not in anyway comparing or anything but if that was me and I called P'Song in the middle of the night just to ask him to bring me a sharpener and some extra clothes when I can simply borrow some, he might probably agree at some point to do so but I'm sure as hell I'll be in big trouble with him. Like he will ask me to bring a shot glass in a bar and guilt-trip me into doing it if I so much as complained.

Don't get me wrong, my brother is kind but he has limits too and asking him to drive somewhere just to bring a sharpener will break that limit in a snap.

Nervously waiting for the arrival of the other devil, I can't help but wonder what things can actually make P'Mork snap. I mean if I do know what will frustrate him the most to the point where he'll think I'm not a good match for him then he'll probably give up sooner than later, right? And who else can give me this juicy inside information aside from his younger brother? With this in mind, I suddenly felt good and optimistic about this sleepover.

This isn't so bad afterall.

After 30 minutes or so, P'Mork arrived. He carries a luggage with him which immediately sparked my brother's curiosity.

"What's with the luggage, Ai'Mork?"

"Oh this? Jay said I have to bring 2 days worth of clothes and other essentials aside from the sharpener. It was a lot so I figured it'll be more convenient to put his and mine in a single hand carry luggage."

Wait, 'his and mine'? Did we missed something?

A look of pure horror showed on my face the moment I realized what was going on. Then after that, one thing lead to another and before I can even protest, the four of us, me, my brother and the other two devils were all wearing our pajamas in the living room. All standing in front of a makeshift bed made of bedsheets with all four pillows arranged in a straight line and solemnly deciding our sleeping arrangement.

What. The. Hell.



Fun and weird.😆

*** I'll really change the book cover one of these days.

Love Is A Thousand LiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora