●○ prologue ○●

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Hey demons it's me, ya boi《

Y/n : Your name (or your oc's )

L/n : Last name

H/c :hair colour

E/c: your eye colour (age: birth to 7)

light grey with black rings (age: 7 to present day)

Mother: Nozarashi L/n

Quirk: weapon summon
Hero name: Blade

Father: Ido L/n 

quirk: matter manipulation

- can change the atomic structure of objects to turn them into any desired object

Hero name: Transform 

Y/n's Quirks:

Quirk 1: Knifes

-Unlike her mother who can summon any weapon Y/n is able to only create knifes, daggers and other bladed hand held weapons out of thin air.

- She also has 'perfect precision' which allows her to change the trajectory of the blades she throws to land with an extreme accuracy

Quirk 2: Though quite rare Y/n possessed a 2nd quirk, supposedly passed down from her great grandmother. No one else in the L/n family inherited this quirk.

Medium/ psychic
- Y/n is able to see and communicate with spirits and ghosts.

-Y/n Can manifest there quirks but it doesn't last beyond 5 seconds.

- she is able to give the spirits a temporary ability to physically interact with objects and or People.

Although this quirk is the weaker of the 2 it tends to be the most dangerous. Hence Y/n nor her family desire to develop this into a stronger quirk.

Draw backs

- loss in body temperature
- severe migraines
- fatigue
- possession: If Y/n gets incredibly tired, week or vulnerable mentally or physically, Evil spirits that have been attached to her could take complete possession of her body and mind. Surrounding herself with helpful and or friendly spirits weaken there ability

Stronger the spirit The more control it has

Physical strength: 4/5
Skill: 3/5
Cooperation: 2/5
Quirk control: 3-4/5


-tired 90% of the time
- low attention span
- impulsive
- friendly
- doesn't give a single fuck
- loves music, sings and plays the bass
- pansexual

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