Chapter 1

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I walk in the direction my father went.

I went up to the only door with light shinning from under it and wiggle the door handle.

"Locked, of course." I say frustrated. I walk two paces backwards and kicked the old oak door open. "Oh, how I love these boots. Stylish and practical. "

"Is that anyway to treat your little girl, daddy?" 

My father was sitting behind his desk, leaning back in his chair with his arms folded tight to his chest. Staring me dead in the eye. 

His four bodyguards all pointing their guns at me.

"Down, boys. I'm unarmed."  I say holding my hand up. "I'm just here to talk to daddy dearest."

"Come closer, kid." My father says, gesturing me closer with a swing of the hand. "You are a persistent one, aren't you?"

"It must run in the family. " I say walking closer.

"So you say." He says with a mocking tone. "What did you say your name was?"

"Raelynn Carter." 

"You do not get to call yourself a Carter!" He says slamming his fist on the desk, making one of the bodyguard jump. "That name is earned."

"If what you say is true, what was your mother's name?"

"Penelope Lynn Sloane-Carter." After the words left my mouth, you could see the shock on all of the men's faces and yet a flicker of sadness and betrayal flashed in my father's eyes like a bullet escaping the barrel of a gun.

"Proof, now!" He says angrily.

I toss my phone on the desk. "2 4 9 6 All the proof you need is on there."

After a couple of minutes of him looking at the picture, he finally spoke. "How old are you?"

"Twentyone. "

"If what you say is true. Why come here?" He says still staring at the phone.

I put both hands on the desk, leaning on them. "I need a favor."

"Never going to happen." He laughs, tossing the phone back at me. "I've already done you a favor by not killing you. Now, go before I lose my patience. "

"Daddy dearest, there is just one thing you should know about me." I say chuckling.

"What is that?"

I swing around kicking the gun out of the hands of the bodyguard to my left. I catch it and pull the other gun from behind my back, shooting all four of them.

Their bodies fell to the floor with a thud. I swing back around and point both guns at my father.

"I never give up."

"Now, Mr Carter, you have two options. Options 1, You tell me what I want to know and I walk out of here, leaving you alive.  Or option 2, you refuse and I make you look like a lovely piece of cheese."

"Well, I don't have all day, what do you want to know?" He says raising a eyebrow.

"Dimitri Volkov, where is he?"

"Why?" He seemed confused by my question.

"He was the last person to see my mother alive. Word on the street is you and him are old drinking buddies. " I say growing more frustrated by every passing second.

"Your mother is dead?"

"Don't act so suprised, James, why else would I be here, for some daddy, daughter bonding time?" I say tightening my grip on the guns.

"Look, kid, I haven't seen Dimitri is years. Although, I might know someone who knows where you could find him."

He starts writing something on a piece of paper and slides it over to me. "Clark Howard he owns The Snake Eye club. Tell him Big Boss sent you, he'll tell you everything you need to know."

"Thank you." I say putting my one gun behind my back, I grab the paper and my phone then make my way to the door.

Before I could turn the corner, I hear him tap on his phone and make a call. "Hi, it's me, find me anything you can on a Raelynn Carter. " I smirk and continue walking down the hall.

 " I smirk and continue walking down the hall

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