Chapter 4

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Jame's POV

I sat at my desk, nursing a drink and staring at a twenty year old picture of the only woman I've ever loved and cared about.

"Cute baby." I hear David, my right hand man, remarked.

My eyes dart up at him. "What do you want?" I ask irritated by the intrusion.

"I heard you almost shot your daughter." He says sitting down and putting his feet on the desk.

Now growing more and more irritated. "She wasn't the real Raelynn." I hiss my words at him.

"I hate to break it to you-" He throws a file in front of me."...but she was."

He puts his hands behind his head, looking smug. " I ran the DNA on the glass you gave her. It came back as a 50% paternal match. So, either you were wrong or that test is. I added some information about her life after she left here with her mother. You have a smart girl there."

"I'm never wrong, that girl was just another pawn in Alexander's game to get under my skin. He sent his little wife to do his dirty work. Lexi Wolf isn't my daughter. My daughter was Raelynn Carter and she is dead, I watched her get buried." I throw back my last sip. "No use hoping other wise.

"That my friend is called denial." He grabs my glass and pours me another drink.

"That is a river in Africa." I pick up the file skimming through the information on the pages.

"You know you just threw your only child back in the arms of the enemy. Maybe it's for the best, he might treat her better."

I slam my fist on the table, angered by his comment. "We are done here!"

I knew she couldn't be the real Raelynn, she had to many holes in her story but then again all she asked of me was to help her find the person responsible for her mother's death.

"David, wait." Him now halfway to the door. "Find her and bring her back."

"Right away, boss." He says before turning and rushing out of the door.

The file had her birth certificate, school records, addresses, flight records and even hotel reservations. All stopping two years ago the exact time Lexi Wolf appeared.

It seems she isn't the ordinary mob wife. No, she likes to be in control, respected, feared and Alexander was just the man to give her that kind of power. Lexi Wolf was not a woman to be messed with.

"You're coming back home, princess. Whether you like it or not." I say tossing the file on the floor, papers flying everywhere.


Raelynn's POV

No one really knows about my life before Alexander.

When I was ten my mother dropped me off at my grandparents house. They hadn't heard from her much less seen her in over fifteen years. She told them my father was a man she had worked with, not wanting to tell them the truth.

She sat me down, told me she loved me, walked out of the front door and I never saw her again.

I grew up relatively normal. Small town girl, straight A's, a regular head cheerleader type.

That was until I turned seventeen and my mother came back into my life. She was different, no longer my loving mother but a coldhearted bitch who would use anyone to get what she wanted. She traded in her mom Jean's and sneakers for stilettos and tight dresses.

Even her name changed, Penny Sloane was now Penelope Young, wife to Benjamin Young, known arms dealer to rich and powerful in New York.

That's how I met Alexander. I'll admit I was a bit foolish getting involved with him but no one calls you sweetheart when you are standing next to the most powerful man in Manhattan.

Alexander was just over twenty three when I met him. He had recently taken over his family business, after the suspicion death of his father, Matthew Wolf. If you ask me, there was nothing suspicious about it. Ask the right people and you'll soon figure out who did it.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't knocked around a bit but that is just part of the life I chose. The scars on my back are just proof of my loyalty to my husband and his family. This life isn't all fast cars and private jets. Life rarely is.

"Welcome home, Mrs. Wolf." I hear, Calvin, one of my husbands men say as I step off the last step of the stairs from the jet. "How was your visit to the city of angels?"

"Uneventful" I reply, making my way to the already waiting car.

Calvin closes the door behind me and gets in the front passenger side.

"I'm afraid you don't have much time to relax, ma'am." He says turning around to look at me. I scroll on my phone not looking at him.

"Boss is throwing a charity gala, so you'll have to get ready in a hour." Calvin turns back around.

"Why?" I ask, frustrated by the lack of information.

Calivn turns back around, putting his hand on the back of the driver side headrest. "Or you'll be late."

"Not that, moron. Why is he throwing a charity event?"

"Oh. I don't know. All I know is it's a favor. I don't know to who, though." He says squirming in his seat.

This bafoon knows more than he is letting up but he isn't going to tell me. No matter what I do. Loyalty to the family is a road filled with pain and torture. The key to survival, is keeping your mouth shut and your eyes open. You could be killed for even the slightest missteps.


I walk into the house and toss my keys on the table. Making my way up to the master bedroom. My dress for tonight already waiting for me. Say what you want about my husband but the man sure does have good taste.

I hear Apollo, my doberman, run down the hall towards me. I chuckle and head to open the door for him. I swing the door open but Apollo wasn't alone. I feel Alexander's hand slip behind my back pulling me into him. The smell of cigarettes and whiskey filling the air surrounding me.

"Miss me?" He says while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I look up at him with a slight smirk appearing on my lips. "I could as you the same thing." I say while wiping the remnants of red lipstick from his jaw.

"Not quite my shade, am I right?" I hold my thumb up to show him.

He pauses looking at the evidence on my finger. A devilish smiles appears on his faces as he moves closer to my ear. "You are more of a blood red girl." His warm breath setting fire to me.

But this wasn't passion or desire. No, this was anger, a murderous rage.

"Calm down, my little scorpion, no need to draw blood." I look down, not noticing I had sunk my nails deep in his arm.

I slowly push him off of me and make my way to the bathroom. "Where are you going? " he grunts.

I pause just before turning the corner. "To get ready, just like you commanded, husband" I wink and turn the corner leaving him where he was standing

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