Chapter 3

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"So I'm dead?" I ask while my father pours himself a drink.

He chuckles, walks over to me and hands me a drink. "Do you make it a habit to break into people's houses?"

"Only the lying ones." I say raising a eyebrow. "So you knew I existed?"

Leaning forward staring at his drink he answers. "Kid, I saw your ugly bald head being born."

I roll my eyes. "A simple, yes, would have sufficed."

"I see you survived Clark." He sits back in his chair. Looking content with himself.

I take a sip of the probably fifty year old scotche. "More like he survived me... So, daddy dearest, tell me, how am I a dead girl walking?"

"After I was arrested, I got word that you and your mother both died in a freak car accident, you were around one. Then about ten years later one of my men spotted your mother in Rome but by the time we got there she was already gone. I chalked it up to a case of misidentity."

"Now it's your turn." He says while pointing at me with the hand holding his glass. "Where have you been for the past twenty years? "

"I'm sorry, but I don't give out personal information to strangers." Like I would tell him anything about me or my life.

"Fine." He shrugs. "You don't owe me anything."

"Why were you arrested?" Questioning the stranger in-front of me.

"I don't know, kid, it was twenty years ago. It was probably something stupid." He answers before taking another sip of his drink.

"Any siblings I should know about?"

"Nope, just you." He pauses. "God, I hope."

"Boss, he is here." I hear a voice say from the door.

"James, my old friend, what can I do for you?" A old man appears in the doorway.

"Vladimir, this is my daughter, Realynn. I believe she has a few questions for you." My father stands up and gestures to me.

"Strand, I never knew you had a daughter." Vladimir says staring at me. "She is quite beautiful. How much will you ask for her?"

"She's not for sale." My father says grinding his teeth.

"Carter, my friend, everyone has a price." Vladimir says laughing at my father's comment.

"Princess, ask your questions before I kill him myself." He draws his gun now pointing it at Vladimir.

Vladimir holds his hands up, taking a step back. "Woah there James, what is with the gun?"

"Sit." My father gestures with the gun.

"Fine, I'll sit." Vladimir says while moving to the chair. "So tell me, baby girl. What is it you so desperately want to know? "

I shift my weight leaning closer to him. "Where is Dimitri Volkov?"

"Well, I do not know. I sent him on a little task. I haven't seen him since." He pauses and laughs. "Wait, I know you but you go by a different name, don't you? What was it again?"

He pauses again thinking. "Ah! Yes." He leans back looking satisfied with himself, lighting a cigarette in the process. "Lexi Wolf, wife of the big bad, Alexander Wolf."

He grabs a glass and pours himself a drink. "James, did you know your little girl has been playing mob wife to one of your little enemies?"

My father turn in my direction, now pointing his gun at me. "Is this true?"

"All fun and games until you start playing with the big boys, am I right, Lexi?" Vladimir tauntingly says putting emphasis on the little nickname Alexander gave me.

"I guess the jig is up, honestly such a shame. I was having fun." I toss my hair from one side to the other, exposing my collarbone, showing off my wolf tattoo.

"Nothing personal, princess. It's just business." My father says getting ready to shoot.

Seconds after, the power cuts out.

I jump to my feet. Taking my opportunity and make my way to Vladimir, taking out my knife in the process. Whispering to him I say. "Like he said, nothing personal." I slice his throat and make my grand escape. Going the same way I came in.

A moment later the power comes back on. My father roars to his men. "Where is she!"

So much for that idea. I guess it's time to go back to New York, such a short and disappointing visit.

 I guess it's time to go back to New York, such a short and disappointing visit

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