Chapter 6

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I wake up tied to a chair with a bag over my head. My head still pounding. God I hate these fuckers.

"Rise and shine, princess." Someone pulls the bag off of my head, my eyes adjust to the light and the man in front of my comes in focus.

"Hello, daddy. If you missed me so much you could have called."  I say pouting my lip at my father who looked deep in thought leaning agent the wall with his arms crossed.

I look next to me, seeing the man who I remember seeing at the party. Probably the man who knocked me out. "You should be glad I like it rough or else I'd be scooping your eyes out with a spoon and feeding them to my dog." I bit the air and wink at him. I get no reaction, he just stands there with a blank, stupid expression.

So boring.

"I hope you know my husband won't like you taking his most prized posession." I look back at my father. Him now walking towards me.

He leans my chair back with one hand gripping my hair with the other holding my head back. "Is that what you think of yourself? As a posestion?"

"No. But all the men in my life think I am. So why not play the role I was given to perfection?" He let's go, setting the chair back on the ground.

"Did he do that to you?" Gesturing to the scars on my legs. Guilt filling his face.

"Not all of it." I shrug with the limited movement I have. "By the way, guilt isn't a good look on you."

He leans in close. "Face it sweetheart, you mean nothing to him, that's why he treats you like a toy." He pulls back a bit putting his hands in the arm rests.

Noticing he was still close enough to me, I take my chance. I swing my head back and headbutt him on the nose. "Screw you!" He stumbles back holding his nose. I expected a slap but nothing.

Wiping the blood from his face. "Leave us." Commanding the men, who make their way out. "You're a tough one, I'll admit it. Now, I'll let you go on one condition-"

"Save it." I cut him off.

"We aren't having a little father, daughter bonding moment were we sing Kumbaya and let go of all our grievances. If you haven't noticed, I hate you. I asked you for help and you ignored me. Your little attempted murder and kidnapping just solidified it."

"You don't need to like me, you just need to respect me. That means no more headbutting." He says taking a step back towards me.

"Fuck you." I spit in his face. Boy did it feel good. I would have given him the finger too if my arms weren't tied to my back.

"Fine, have it your way. I'll just leave you down here by yourself until you learn to respect me."

"Alexander tried that one. It didn't work. That is why he calls me his Scorpion. Throw me in water and I'll survive for two days. Starve me and I'll survive for a years."

"You aren't immortal, Raelynn. Everyone has their breaking point."

"Boss." The man from earlier says running in the room. "We have a problem."

"Yeah, the problem is your hairline." I say laughing.

"What is it?" My father asks, ignoring my statement, which clearly pissed off the other guy.

"It's better if you go see for yourself."

"Fine, keep a eye on her." He storms off, leaving me alone with the big bafoon.

Time to have some fun.

"How does it feel?" I nonchalantly ask.

"How does what feel?"

"Knowing you're barely in your thirties and your receding hairline is pretty much visible from space." I ask giggling.

He grabs my hair pulling it back. "Listen here bitch! You might be bosses daughter but there is nothing stopping me from killing you right here, right now."

"Let me just tell you two things, Curly. One, hair plugs are there for a reason and two- always tie up your prisoners feet." I swing my leg up hitting him right in the balls. I take the opportunity to wiggle my hand free and then untie my waist.

Still in pain he tries to get up. I kick him again, this time harder. Him now on the floor I kick him in the head leaving him unconscious.

"Worthless, idiot." I grab his gun and walk to the door, being careful not to make a sound. Stumbling around, my body still aching from the beating I endured.

I navigate my way through the dark and empty halls, filled with silence, every step I take echoing. Until I see light coming from the top of a staircase. Walking up it I recognize the hall. It was the same hall my father's office was in.

I walk close to the wall, making sure the pea brain imbeciles don't see me. Until I come across the front door covered with men. My father was standing there too. I was about to turn and find a different exit. Before a familiar face caught my eye.

"Candy Cavani, you little slimy bitch!" I run towards her but I was stopped by two goons grabbing me. "Let me go!" I scream trying to release myself from their grip.

"Lexi, not so beautiful anymore I see." She flips her bottle blond hair making me want to scalp her even more.

She snaps her attention back to my father. "I come bearing gifts." She hands him a box. "Big Wolf says, he hopes this sends a message."

Looking back at me she smirks. "Don't worry, Lexi. I'll take care of him for you."

I launch for her but I'm stopped by the men holding me back. "If I ever see you neer him, I'll-"

"You'll what?" She asks taunting me. "It seems like you aren't going anywhere, anytime soon."

"Let her go." My father says waving the men away while side eyeing Candy.

"Wait, no. You can't." She says her smug expression now replaced by a terrified one.

I take off my heels while walking towards Candy. "Oh this is going to be lots and lots of fun. I'm going to squeeze your head so hard, your eyes are going to pop out."

"Get away from me, bitch!"  She yells, still frozen to the spot.

"Woof" I bark at her, lunging forward making her fall back on her ass.

If you're going to call me a dog, I'll act like a dog.

She crawls backwards. "S- stay back!"

I grab her jacket, pulling her up to me. "You can't run from the devil, Candice." I hid her hard, leaving her on the floor unconscious.

I turn around and look at my father, still holding the box. "So what is in the box?"

He puts the package on the floor and kicks it toward me. "Look for yourself."

Kneeling down, I open it. The smell of death hits me like a bus. The dead eyes of the idiot I left in the bathroom at the gala staring back at me. A sticky note glued to his forehead. "Aw, isn't that cute. Alexander loves leaving me little notes."

I take the note off of the dead guys head and get back up on my feet. "Don't kill to many of them xoxo Alexander."

I take out the gun from behind my back, shooting Candy in her wretched little head. "I can't disappoint him, now can I?" I say pointing the gun at my father.

All of his men now pointing their guns back at me. Giving me a major case of deja vu.

"I found Dimitri." He says, putting his hands in his pockets.

I throw the gun to the side. "You could have lead with that."

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