Chapter 7

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We walk into a crowded luxury restaurant, the type where you pay a arm and a leg for something the size of a cent. My father insisted we go for dinner before he told me anything.

The waiter takes us to your table, seemingly extremely nervous at the mear presence of my father. Everyone looking me up and down, probably wondering who I am.

I stare at the lady next to me, who's mouth hung open. Leaning over to her I say, "Come now, love. It's not nice to stare."

I recognize the man across from her. Gregory Scott, he owns Scott shipping. His family controls half of the ports this side of the country, if you want anything shipped in or out you need to be in his good graces. "Gregory, a new one already?"

"You know me, Mrs. Wolf. I can't be tied down for to long." He says, giving a nervous laugh. My father isn't the only one people are scared of here.

I sit down at our table and take the menu from the waiter. "Tell me everything you know." I say, looking at the open menu in my hands.

My father looks up at me, he was about to say something but he pauses. He sighs, looks at the waiter and looks back down. "Let's leave this for after dinner."

"I'd rather not. I have places to be." I say dragging my finger down the selections. "You know what?" I say looking at the waiter. "Bring me your most expensive bottle of wine, daddy is paying after all."

The waiter looks at my father for approval. "What are you waiting for, get it." He waves the waiter away, who quickly runs off.

"Where do you need to be? Off to plan your revenge?" He asks raising a eyebrow.

I laugh at his question, that is the only reason I'm here after all. "You call it revenge, I call it returning a favor."

"Your wine, Mrs. Carter." The waiter says showing the bottle to me.

"Miss Carter." My father correct him. "She is my daughter, not my wife." I roll my eyes. I always hate being called a Carter, that's probably why I go by so many aliases.

"My apologies. Would you like me to pour you a glass, miss Carter?"

"No, that is fine, I think we can handle it." I say taking the wine from him. "Oh and call me Lexi."

"Oh I uh- I'll be right back for your order." He nervously says before turning to walk away.

"No need." My father stops him. "Tell the chef, I'll have two of my usual order."

"Right away, sir." 

"You know, only boring people have usuals." I say pouring myself wine. "I on the other hand, never have the same thing twice."

"I don't like suprises." He says holding his glass to me.

I take his glass and start pouring him a drink."I love suprises, it keeps life interesting. Look at last night for instance, I thought I would be curled up cuddling next to Apollo and Nikolai."

I hand him back his glass and take mine in my hand. Swirling it. "But instead I woke up tied to a chair with a bag over my head. Fun!" I take a big sip and sigh.

"Are Nikolas and Apollo your boyfriends or something?" He ask leaning back in chair.

"No. Apollo is my dog and Niko-"I puase for a moment thinking about my answer. "Well Niko is just someone very important to me."

"Now tell me what I need to know." I say crossing my arms and leaning forward on the table.

"Fine, since you don't seem like one to let something go. As we speak, my guys are keeping a eye on Dimitri." He swipes on his phone and hands it to me. "Look for yourself."

The picture is of a dark haired man tied to a chair, just like I was a few hours ago.

The old bastard really did it. He found him. I guess daddy dearest came in handy after all.

"Now sush." He says grabbing his phone and putting it in his balzer pocket. "I'd like to enjoy my meal in silence."

The waiter places a plate in front of me with a perfectly medium rear steak the size of my face on it. My stomach starts twisting and turning at the mear sight of it. I haven't eaten a steak since I went to dinner at my aunt Bonnie's house.

Never trust a woman who buys her meat with coupons. A bucket was my best friend that night, never again shall I be fooled by its delicious smell.

"What is wrong?" I hear my father ask while I stare at my plate.

"Noting I just- I don't like steak."  My cheeks glow red as I realize how childish I sound. Like a five year old refusing to eat her vegetables.

"Then what do you like?" He asks with a sincere tone, like a father comforting their child.

"Sushi." I blurt out without even having to think twice.

"You heard her." He says to the waiter still standing next to me.

"But, sir. We do not have sushi on the menu." The waiter says looking at me for help he knows he is never going to get.

"Am I going to have to ask twice?" He says with a look that would make even the bravest of men tremble.

"No, sir. Right away, sir." He grabs my plate and runs off in the direction of the kitchen.

I grab the wine bottle and pour myself another glass. "You didn't have to make him sweat like that."

He chuckles and picks up his knife and fork. "You aren't the only one who gets to have some fun."

"Maybe you aren't that boring after all."


After dinner we arrive back at my father house. The bald man I had beaten up and left in the basement, was waiting at the door with a few other men. He stared at me like he was planning my death in his head and I stared back at him not for the same reason. I was trying to see if I could see my future on his head shinning in the moonlight.

"Question." I say razing my hand. "Do you put oil on that thing or is it just naturally that shiny.

"You little-" He says reaching for his gun but before he could draw I kick him to the floor.

"Do that again and I'll cut off your hand and use it as a candy bowl." I say putting my foot on his chest.

"I like her." I hear the man next to me say.

"Raelynn, this is David Smith. My right hand and oldest friend." My father stays putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Call me Davi, Raelynn." He says putting his hand in for a hand shake.

I cross my arms and shake my father's hand off of my shoulder.  "Alexi, only a privilege few can call me Raelynn, David." 

"Would you like to go see your little friend?" My father asks while putting his hand back on my shoulder.

"No. It's late. I'll do it in the morning."  I say before walking through the front door and up to my room. Looking back at all of them still standing at the door starting at me like they were the hunters and I was their next victim.

As I turn the corner I hear my father say six words that would define my next actions.

"Find Alexander Wolf and kill him."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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