Obi Wan Kenobi

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Laying flat upon the cold metal slab, pain skyrocketed through every nerve of Sunset Shimmer's being. For hours, strapped to that slab, she was subjected to horrendous torture from the evil Sith Emperor. At some point, the tears stopped falling from her eyes as if she just couldn't anymore. Finally, Palpatine lowered his hands and ceased the force lightning.

"It would seem your will is strong child," He said lowly. "Why fight the inevitable? You need only agree to serve me. Learn the ways of the dark side of the force and only then will you understand."

Sunset spoke no words, only moved her head to turn away from the evil old man. Palpatine merely chuckled evilly.

"Resist as you will..." He smiled wickedly. "They always resist... and it matters not. You will soon see the galaxy as I see it."

He quickly snapped his head in the direction of the three inquisitors, who stood at attention.

"Take her back to her cell," He ordered.

"Yes, your majesty," The Third Sister responded.

They all came to Sunset's side, slowly unbinding her from the slab.

"And when you finish, you will journey to the ruins of the Sith Citadel on Dromund Kaas. There's a source of power I seek... do not return to me until it is found."

"Understood," The Fourth and Fifth sister bowed.

Once the inquisitors finished unbinding Sunset, they slowly dragged her limp body away.

"Oh yes... and one more thing," Palpatine called.

The three stopped in their tracks and turned. With a single gesture from Palpatine's frail hand, he beckoned the Sisters to force Sunset's head back around. Forcing her to look into the dark, soulless eyes of the Emperor himself.

"Worry not my dear, we shall meet again... for another session."

The Emperor released a sickly, maniacal cackle as the inquisitors dragged Sunset back to her cell once more. Arriving at the holding cell, the inquisitors violently shoved Sunset back inside and she just fell limply to the ground. She seemed so devoid of life, a woman without hope, lying on the cold floor motionless.

The three inquisitors left the poor girl to her cell, knowing she won't be going anywhere. Slowly, they slither their way toward the hangar of the palace.

"Now it's off to Dromund Kaas," The Third Sister announced.

"I wonder what the Emperor seeks on the Sith's old capital planet," The Fourth sister questioned.

"That planet is rife with old artifacts and ancient Sith knowledge of those who came before. With luck, it will be a weapon to use against this rebellion."

"What about what we seek in this planet?" The Fifth Sister asked.

"Worry not. We shall find what we seek and soon we shall consume all the force energy from this entire galaxy... and the one after that... and the one after that..."

The three inquisitors climbed aboard one of the Empire's transport shuttles and made their way toward the old Sith capital planet.


Morning slowly crept into the sparce, yet sparkling oasis of the open courtyard. The idyll is broken by Uncle Owen's yelling, his voice bellowing throughout the homestead.

"Luke? Luke? Luke? Where could he be loafing now?!"

The interior of the kitchen offers a warm glow, as Aunt Beru prepares the morning breakfast. Owen entered in a huff.

Cinematic Adventures: Star Wars Episode IV: ANewHopeWhere stories live. Discover now