Chapter 17

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And I'm back. Exams sucked the life out of me. Being a final year student is no joke. But yeah, i literally put this book on hold to focus on my studies, but it took me time to write this chapter as well because I couldn't remember the original plot I had wanted to write.

So if this chapter seems a bit over the place, you should know that I will try to fix it in coming chapters. I don't want to drag this book for too long, so the pace is going to be a bit faster (I think).

Also important, I kind of messed up the timings with the whole ForthWayo and ParkLam. The time it occurred and when Wayo appeared in the medical canteen was not as long as I put it and when Forth and his friends were discussing stuff was not that long. So I tried to correct it a bit in this chapter. From when Wayo appears in front of Forth to the end of this chapter, all happens in one afternoon.

But other than that. Thank you so much for still reading this book. Hope you enjoy.


Forth POV

We were hanging out in the field just after the hazing. It had been very strange today, one of the freshmen, Ming I think his name was, was just glaring at me the whole time. Pissed me off to be honest.

"What do you think about this year's batch?" Park asked no one in particular

"They are trouble." Sun, another member of the hazing team replied.

A chorus of agreement echoed throughout the group.

"Especially the group centred around that Ming kid." Lam added. "I feel they are going out of their way to start shit."

After the whole fiasco with Wayo, Lam had just left, but then Park chased after him and I don't what he said, but they came back 30 minutes later, and acted as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. I guess the rest of the boys were too scared to trigger Lam as well and just went with the flow, so now we were just discussing our SOTUS activities for our weekly report to the faculty dean.

"The dean has had some complaints from the medical faculty saying too many engineering students are reporting in." Sun, one of the hazers spoke up.

"Reporting for what?" Park curiously asked.

"Heat exhaustion, scrapes and bruises and a few who fainted and were brought in by a friend."

We all just rolled our eyes. This wasn't even new. Every year, students would try to find a way to get out of SOTUS behind the pretence that it was too taxing for them. We just obviously had to find a way around it.

I looked at the group and asked, "What do you suppose we do? Obviously, the dean is trying to signal that we need to change before we incur trouble."

Max spoke up with a suggestion, "Why don't we be frank with this group."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's gather them up and just plain ask them what the fuck is their problem. Obviously not aggressively like that, but maybe if we explain our actions then we can come to an understanding."

Lam looked up, "Seems corny. We have to talk about our feelings now?" he added sarcastically.

"I don't see an idea coming out of you though."

That shut Lam up. "Whatever" he murmured whilst going back to eating his apple.

We continued to discuss various options when I noticed a familiar figure walking towards the back of one of the engineering buildings.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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