Chapter 8

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Hi again. I'm back. Now that uni is closed due to COVID-19, i hoping that i will be able to write more chapters than before, and update a bit more regularly.

Warning: This chapter has some sensitive non-consensual scenes. Just like before if you can't stomach it, please don't read. I tried not to write too much on it, but its towards the end of the chapter.

I realised something as i was writing this book, I keep unintentionally mixing the 2moons and 2moons2 actors. Originally I wanted this to be PavelDome as ForthBeam, but honestly, I have decided to leave it to your imaginations. If you want to use TaeTee thats fine with me.

This applies to the rest of them. Use whichever Phayo and MingKit you want. Ignore that in the first few chapters I showed which actors I want to use. This weirdly helps me write a bit better as well.


Beam POV

"Finally, it's Friday!" Beam shouted. It had been a long week, and he was ready to unwind. Him, Phana and Kit had just finished their last lecture and where walking towards their cars.

Beam looked at the other two, "Do you guys want to go down to the pub tonight?"

Phana shook his head, "I'm too tired Beam. I need time to relax."

"Me too" Kit added.

Eish, here we go again with these two. They always back out of doing stuff with me. "Why do you do that?" I asked.

Confused, Phana asked, "Do what?"

"Create an excuse to hang out with me. Whenever I suggest we do something, you always back out."

"No, we don't."

"Yes, you do" I reiterated. I was kind of annoyed. These two were my best friends but right now they were being assholes.

Kit sighed, "Come on Beam, its not that big of a deal. So, we don't want to go out tonight. What's the problem?"

"It wouldn't be a problem if this was the first time it has happened, but you have been ghosting me for a while now. We only ever meet in our study sessions and in lectures."

Phana chortled, "Okay now you are exaggerating."

'Alright, whatever. I'll let him have that one. I might have exaggerated a tiny bit. But that doesn't change the fact that they have been ghosting me.'

"Okay a bit, but we honestly don't hang out as much. But you two are always together."

Kit put his arm around my should and so did Phana, such that I was in the middle, "Beam, listen..." Kit started, "It's not that we are avoiding you. We just wanted to hang out but whenever we call you, you're busy either entertaining one of your conquests or headed to the bar."

I blinked and looked at both of them, "So it's my fault then?"

"No Beam, that's not what we are saying, we are just trying to tell you, that you have a more social life than us so we are left in the background sometimes."

I was upset, apparently it was my fault that I was a social butterfly. "Ugh Whatever. This is giving me a headache. I 'm going to the pub. I'll see you on Monday." And I just left my two shocked friends.

I knew they thought I was going to continue arguing over this, but I can not stand confrontation, so I pulled out my best card and just ran away, well more like speed walked. It's probably not healthy to let this situation between the three of us fester for so long, but I didn't want to talk about yet in full.

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