11. Truce

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"Y-you can't like me," I stammer. "You like plastic girls that put out on the first night!" I half laugh. Reagan looks over at me from across the room. His eyes are low and are hidden under his jet black lashes. He's nervously picking at the skin on the side of his thumb while he waits for me to calm down. Maybe he thought that if he confessed his undying love for me then I would hop into bed with him.

Reagan sits there. After he finishes picking at his thumb, his eyes level with mine. He isn't grinning, but he isn't smiling either. He looks... rejected. A wave of sympathy and something else that I can't quite put my finger on hits me and I force myself to look away from him. I start noting everything that's in the room to stop myself from fainting. I did this a lot back in secondary school. I notice the chair that's slightly pulled away from the mahogony desk, Reagan's bed, the pile of laundry that is beside my chest of drawers, the way that a piece of the wallpaper is flaking off on Reagan's side of the room.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I knew you'd be like this," Reagan states. He sits up straight with his back against the wall and pretends to be interested in the picture of my best friend and I that's sitting on top of my pink chest of drawers. I turn around so that my back is to Reagan and join in with looking at the picture of my old best friend and me, whom I haven't spoken to since the minute we left school a year ago. We're giggling and someone else, I think my mum, took the picture without us looking or noticing. Back then my hair was only to my shoulders and hung in loose curls. I'm grinning, my braces that I had taken off last Summer on full display as I wave my hands around in the air, probably telling Sophia something that happened at school that day. Sophia, my old friend, has white blonde hair that is down to her lower back. It's dead straight. I remember how I always used to get so jealous of her hair andt he fact that she was always so perfect looking. I can't help but miss her as I think of my situation now; sitting in a shared bedroom with the player of the school proclaiming that he has a crush on me.

Turning back to Reagan, I feel my eyes start to well up. I can't stop myself as I fall onto my bed and just cry. Reagan waits for a few moments, not saying anything until I'm finished. I feel a sudden urge to punch something, mainly him.

"Eloise, it's okay... I didn't mean to make you cry,"  he looks awkward now. My cheeks are stained with cheap mascara.

"It's not you," I say, trying my best to make it seem light-hearted. I give him a small smile and stand up, beginning to make my bed. I hear Regan stand up too, his feet landing on the one creeky floorboard that I usually startle myself with by standing on in the middle of the night when I'm half asleep. Reagan comes up behind me and knots his arms around my waist. I draw in a breath and let my duvet fall out of my grip.

"I'm sorry," he whispers. The heat from his breath tickles my ear and sends a shiver down my spine. I'm tempted to pull him closer, but I'm frozen in shock; this is the second time we've been as close as this. "If you want me to find another place to stay, then I will. I'll do anything to make you happy," he goes on. I feel something that resembles a short moan ecape my lips. I almost hear Reagan smirk as the room is so quiet. Our other flat mates are out for the day trying to get to know their way around campus before classes start for them in a few days.

"No. I don't want you to go," I mutter in an attempt to sound forceful. I turn around so that I'm facing him now, my stomach is pressed firmly to his. I notice that his lips are slightly parted and that he's mainly paying attention to my hair.

Before I know what I'm doing, I'm placing my lips softly onto his. I wait for a few seconds before I pull away and open my eyes. Such a simple gesture causes my body to go crazy, I'm almost shaking but manage to hold it together.

He rests his forehead against mine and looks deep into my eyes, then they dart away and he's looking at my lips again. He goes in for a second kiss. But for some reason, the kiss is nothing like I pictured in the dream that I had about him; its soft and delicate.

Maybe I've been mis-judging Reagan since the minute I arrived.

Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates! I've been really busy with school and other commitments so it's been difficult to find the time to update this story. I hope you liked this part, even if it kind of short. I'm sure once I get the time, I'll edit it so that it's longer c: Thanks for reading! <3

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