9. Talk about awkward

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The next few days are easy, Reagan and I hardly say two words to one another. We wake up, leave the bedroom that we now share, go into the Kitcehn, make breakfast, go to class and carry on as usual. But I know something has changed between us, and it's making me nervous as I don't know exactly what that is. Ever since I caught Reagan staring at me the other day, he hasn't looked at me since. Every time we come across one another in the coridoor after one of our lectures, or if we accidentally brush arms when walking out of the room as the other one enters, there is an awkwardness in the air. I can't help but worry that what he said a few weeks ago about no girl being able to resist him is true.

Nothing between us changes until one night, Reagan tells me he's going out for a few drinks with his friends. I simply nod my head at him and direct my attention back to my homework that is currently lying beside me on the plump sofa cushion. He'll probably be going to a bar in town, as I've heard him and a few of his friends talking about the atmosphere in a particular one that they always go to. Reagan grabs his coat and attempts to smile at me, but I pretend that I didn't notice.

I grab my mobile and dial Brianna's number, hoping that she'll answer me. I don't feel like sitting indoors on my own tonight, seeing as it's a Friday evening and I'm completely sick of my own thoughts.

"Hello?" Brianna asks. She sounds puffed out and I raise one of my eyebrows at her.

"Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight. You know, just the two of us?" I propose. I hope she takes me up on my offer and mentally cross my fingers.

"Oh, erm. What's the time?" Brianna responds. I swear that I can hear someone's muffled voice in the background, but I brush it off.

"Just coming up to half seven,"

"Oh, right..." her voice trails off and I wait a few seconds to see if she adds anything else to the conversation.

"So, are you gonna come out or not?" I laugh, feeling slightly awkward. I should have called one of my other friends, as at the moment, I feel like I'm intruding on whatever Brianna and the mystery person were doing.

"Yeah, sure, sorry. I'll just get ready and come round for you in about half an hour?"

"Alright, see you then," I smile into the phone, feeling glad Brianna wrapped up the conversation before any more awkward moments could occur. Brianna puts the phone down instantly and I laugh to myself, placing the mobile down beside my books.

I heave myself off the sofa and head in the direction of my bedroom, through the hall, to find that it's looking cleaner than I left it this morning when I went to class. I figure that Reagan must have had a bit of a tidy up and feel my eyebrows crease together as I didn't think cleaning was really his scene and laugh at an image of Reagan wearing a pair of bright yellow marigolds as he cleans the floor with a sponge.

Opening my wardrobe doors, I sift through the clothes and pick out something appropriate for a night out. After changing my mind a few times on what it is that I want to wear, I finally settle on a black dress encrusted with big diamonds and a fairly low cut front. I also pick the single pair of heels out of the closet that I own as a result of my Year 11 prom and throw them onto the bed, leaving them there until I decide to put them on later.


It isn't long before I feel masses of alcohol pulsing through my viens. Not being a very frequent drinker, it isn't difficult for me to get pretty wrecked. Brianna already appears to have picked up a stranger and is now making out with him in the corner of the bar over by the sofas.

I sip on the drink that's in my left hand and turn back around on the stool, fed up of watching Brianna and her new found friend sharing spit. I smile over to a hot boy who keeps watching me from the other side of the bar and pretend not to notice when I see out of the corner of my eye that he's approaching me.

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