5. We'll see

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I tapped my pen on my desk, staring down at the sheet of paper in front of me. Wow, this work was hard. The leap from A levels to a degree really was a major step, and I hadn't realised that until this point. My first piece of homework was due in a few days and I didn't even know where to start. I was going to get far in this degree. If I actually had nice roommates, I could just ask them to help me, but that wasn't the case here.

I looked up from the desk in my bedroom to peer at the clock. Not even a minute had passed since I had last checked it. That meant that I was still faced with a blank page in front of me, all apart from my name in the top right hand corner and the essay question that had been carefully written in my joined up handwriting, in order to waste time. I was trying to kid myself into thinking that I'd done more work that I actually had done, but so far all I'd done was stare down at the blank sheet of lined paper, not even knowing where to start. Brianna had promised to come round to help me this afternoon, but it didn't look like she was going to show up now, as she was at least two hours late. Reagan was out with his friends, so I was currently alone, which I was glad about for the moment.

My mind kept flitting back to the moment before class where Reagan had kissed me on the cheek. Even though it wasn't exactly a big deal, I was already obsessing over it. What would happen if he actually kissed me properly? Like, on the lips and everything? I would probably pass out, or have a mental breakdown. This was the problem, once a boy showed the tiniest bit of interest, I would obsess about it so much that I would drive myself insane. I'd been like this right from the beginning of secondary school.

And now, obsessing about this boy was preventing me from doing my work. The three most important years of my life, and I was obsessing over a boy that couldn't even be bothered to learn my name, or say hello to me at least. This was the same boy that had nicknamed me 'Princess', and insisted on speaking to me like I was a piece of crap on his shoe. I really didn't want to be one of those girls that throws away everything away for the sake of a boy that's not interested, anyway. Those girls are pathetic, and I'm definitely not one of them.

I pushed my chair back from my desk and stood up, taking in a deep breath. I needed to move out of this room before I went completely mad. I turned off the lamp that was situated on my desk and headed out of the room in search of something to eat. I wasn't going to think about him anymore. I was sick of it, and I'd only known him for about three days.

I hunted the kitchen cupboards in search of something I could make for dinner, but had no luck in finding anything; one of us really needed to go shopping, because there was nothing in to eat. All I could find was a tin of meatballs and a hunk of cheese that had been abandoned in the bottom drawer of the fridge.

Closing the fridge door and leaning up against the counter, I contemplated going out for something to eat. But the thing was, I was currently broke due to being unemployed. My mum and dad had said they'd give me £30 a week towards food, but I'd spent that on books, and I was too full of pride to ask them for more money. I'd only get a lecture about it as I hadn't spent it on what I was meant to, and right now, I didn't need that.

I made my way back into my bedroom and got onto my hands and knees on the red rug next to my bed, searching for the bag that contained my purse. I plucked the flower print back out from under the wooden frame and rumaged around for my purse until I found it.

Opening it up, I was confused when I came across a piece of paper. I could've sworn I had a £5 note and some change earlier.

Unfolding the paper, I read through the quick note and snarled.

"Princess, had to borrow some money for drinks tonight as I'm broke. Hope you don't mind, Reagan."

I could've sworn there was steam coming out from my ears as I scanned over the note again, finally scrunching the paper into a ball and throwing it in the direction of the bin beside my desk. I was trying my hardest to avoid lovey thoughts that were directed towards Reagan, but now all I could think about was how much I wanted to destroy him. What made him think that he had the right to just go through my bag and take what he wanted? I wasn't his mother. He didn't have me wrapped around his little finger like he probably did with all the other girls he knew.

Standing up and launching my bag onto my bed, I stormed out of my bedroom and threw myself on the sofa, curling up in a ball. I was so angry that I could've cried, but I wasn't going to waste a single tear on him. He probably didn't give me a second thought when he just went and stole from my bag. I wasn't even annoyed about the money, it was just the fact that he had purposely gone through my bag and had taken my £5 note just to piss me off. I was really beginning to regret this whole university thing.


I had been sleeping for at least 3 hours when Regan came in, drunk. His constant slamming of doors and crashing into furniture was the reason why I was disturbed when it came to 3:00am. He'd been out with his friends for most of the night, and so he was completely wrecked. He didn't even appear to know where he was as he tried hanging up his keys on the wrack next to the door. Giving up, he threw them onto the kitchen counter and headed over to me on the sofa where I'd been for the past few hours. Instead of walking straight past me like I'd first expected him to, he stood in front of me and knelt down, stumbling a little as he wasn't in control of his own feet.

"Alright, pwincesss?" Reagan asked, getting close to my face. I could smell the beer on his breath and grimaced, wrinkling my nose and moving away from him. He crashed down onto the sofa beside me and laid his legs across mine. When I tried wriggling away from him, he just laughed, knowing that he was getting to me. I finally managed to get his heavy weight off my lap and crossed my legs over so that he wouldn't be able to do it again.

I had to laugh when I examined him properly, as his coat buttons were all done up wrong. The one that was supposed to go into the bottom hole was actually in the top, and so on; he looked ridiculous. I regretted not taking a picture.

"I hope you had a good night spending my money," I said as I crossed my arms and looked him directly in the eye. All of a sudden, Reagan's cheeks were burning, but then he was laughing again. It seemd that he'd forgotten all about that.

"I did, ac-actually. You didn't 'ave much, though," Reagan replied through slurs.

"Mmm, probably because I'm up to my eyeballs in student debt at the moment. Not all of our parents are able to just hand over tuition fees," I replied, sarcasm lacing my every word.

Reagan nodded and hiccuped as he placed his head on the pillow that was resting against the arm of the chair. He smiled as he closed his eyes, and then began laughing again.

"I was wondering how long it'd take you to figure out it was gone," he added. I furrowed my eyebrows and pointed a finger at him.

"Well it is my money after all; of course I was going to notice. I'm not blind... or stupid,"

"You must be slightly stupid if you were really that willing to kiss me earlier," Reagan muttered. It was hard to understand him when he had covered his face with his arm, probably to block out the light that was glaring down at him from the lightbulbs above. Tomorrow when he woke up with a hangover, I was going to make sure that I made so much noise that his head would explode.

"Pfft. Me, want to kiss you? Please, I'd rather kiss a goat,"

"Yeah, yeah. That's what they all say in the beginning, princess. The next thing they know, they're hopping into bed with me,"

My eyes widened. Oh, God. I really was becoming one of those girls. I was exactly the same as all of those girls he'd jumped into bed with. They always start off hating him, and then they suddenly start to crush on him. Then he gets what he wants from them, and they're heartbroken.

I turned to him. He was watching me closely, and it was clear that he knew what I was thinking. My thoughts were so loud, he could probably hear them for himself without having to guess that he was running through my mind.

"Well not me," I said strongly. It was then I noticed that my fists were clentched.

"Alright, Princess. Whatever you say. All you girls are the same. You chase me and when I've finally received enough attention, I finally give you what you wan-"

"No, Reagan. I'm not joking. You will never get me into your disgusting bed. You got that?"

Reagan laughed under his breath again.

"We'll see," he smirked, before getting up off the sofa and stalking off towards his room, leaving me reeling with irritation.

A/N: Hey everyone, I hope you liked this chapter. Thanks for reading, and let me know what you think? Sorry if there's any mistakes, I'm just too lazy to read over this part and correct any :')

BOOK 1: The Bad Boy's Roommate - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now