4. Last Night's Regrets

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I awoke in my own bed, which surprised me a lot, as after last night's events, I didn't remember how I'd got home or who had been with me when I left the party last night. Brianna later filled in any extra details that I had forgotten, telling me that she'd driven me home from Liam's house later that night when things had started to get a bit out of hand. She'd told me people had started to make their way home around 4am and that we were one of the last to leave. Brianna seemed like a sensible girl and I was thankful that she had been there for me last night, even though I didn't really know much about her yet. I was also glad she lived pretty close, as there was no way I would've been able to make my own way back to my apartment last night.

I turned over and finally registered that my alarm was sounding, which meant it must've been 7am. I pounded my fist on the top of the irritating alarm and sighed a breath of relief when it stopped buzzing at last, even though my ears were still ringing from the sound as it had been going off for so long. My head was pounding and my eyes were throbbing. I tried to laugh it off, thinking to myself that I was such a lightweight, but just moving my head a little sent it into a frenzy of throbbing.

I sat up in bed and tossed the duvet off to the foot of my bed, hating the cold feeling that surrounded me as I left my bed and changed into some more Reagan appropriate clothes. For some reason, I hated the thought of him seeing me into pyjamas, so I changed into an old T-Shirt and a pair of leggings and scraped back my hair so it was out of my pounding eyes. So, my first night at my new home and I had forgotten it. My mind cast back to the bits of last night that I did remember, and I managed to piece some of them together. I grimaced at the thought of myself pressed up against Reagan in that tiny cupboard. I made a promise to myself that I would never get that drunk again. At least not while Reagan was around.

Checking the clock once more before I left the room, I made sure that I had enough time to get ready before my first class. I took a quick look at my schedule and saw that I had a two hour lecture ahead of me.

I padded into the living area in my bare feet and was greeted by Reagan with a grunt. At least it hadn't taken me long to realise that he wasn't a morning person and that I should avoid him until he is properly awake.

"You sleep alright?" I asked in an attempt to stop the whole thing being so awkward. As usual, Reagan just ignored me and carried on staring in the direction of the sofa cushion.

I poured myself a large bowl of cereal (even though I felt pretty sick) and sat down in the arm chair, which was quickly becoming my least favourite place in the apartment. Reagan was sprawled across the couch with a thin blanket over the back of his head and neck. The fact that he hadn't covered up his chest just said to me that he was trying desperately to get my attention.

I didn't bother switching on the TV. I ate with my bowl propped on my lap as I didn't want Reagan to have any more excuses to hate me right now. I assumed that he was asleep when he randomly started snoring, and I tried my best to refrain from laughing as I didn't want to wake him up; I was enjoying the peace and quiet.

After a little while I was done with my bowl. I threw it into the sink carelessly, causing a loud crash to erupt as the bowl met the stainless steel of the sink. Reagan immediately reacted to this by flinging up into a sitting position. He looked startled, his eyes were wide.

I felt laughter bubbling in the pit of my stomach and instantly rushed back to my room once I'd finished my food when I saw that Reagan didn't look very impressed at all. In fact, he looked down right pissed off at the fact that I'd woken him. To be honest, I was probably doing him a favour as I knew from the timetable that was pinned on the fridge that he had a lecture this morning.


I was dressed and showered in record time and was ready to leave by half past eight, which meant that I had just over an hour before I needed to be sat in my first class of the morning. Reagan however, was far from ready when I emerged from my bedroom. His face was stuck to the arm of the chair where he'd propped himself up on it and had fallen back to sleep.

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