Prologue: The Bad Boy's New Roommate

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The sequel to this story can be found here: (:

University was just around the corner and I had spent the last month or so preparing myself for it. I had packed away the contents of my room into around 5 boxes and now we were ready to go. As I stood in my empty room, I looked around and thought of how I had spent my childhood and teenage years in this room, and now I was leaving. It all seemed overwhelming to think that I was leaving my parents' little cottage behind and was now moving into the city, but I was excited for what was to come. I was looking forward to meeting my new flat mates and getting to know lots of different people. 

A lot of my friends had decided to stay at college and retake their A Levels, whereas others had moved away for uni. Some had even gone into full time jobs and were now working on their careers, which was something I had decided against. I didn't feel ready to enter the world of work just yet, and university seemed like a good excuse to avoid it for the next three years while I partied, studied and generally made up my mind on what I wanted to do with my life.

My parents had insisted that they take me to campus to register and get settled into my new home, which I was thankful for, as I didn't think I would have the guts to walk in by myself. I knew a couple of people that were going to the same university as me, as it is only around an hour from where I live, but no one had opted for the same course as me, which meant we woukdn't be living together. 

I made my way out of my room, turning off the light and shutting the door, which stopped me from going back in for one last look at the bare walls and the lack of furniture. Every time I thought of leaving my parents behind, I got upset, which I supposed was a natural reaction of leaving home, as I had lived in this house for so many years. I made my way across the landing and down the stairs, where I found my mum doing her jacket up in the hallway. She looked at me and smiled, before undoing her jacket and re-fastening the button, like she was trying to occupy herself in order to prevent getting upset.

Both of my older brothers had gone to the same university in London and had done similar courses. My oldest brother, Jonah, got married last year and was now living in Surrey with his wife. Michael, my other brother, was still living in London with his girlfriend of 7 years. Both my brothers seemed pretty happy, but they didn't come home often, which I knew upset my mum a lot. Maybe she thought I would follow the same paths as my brothers and would avoid coming back home for months at a time. I made a mental note to myself to make sure that I came home as often as I could.

My mum pulled me into a tight hug and I stood there for a few moments until she let me go again. She didn't say anything, as I could tell she was trying not to cry. She was making the face she always made when she was trying to stop the tears. Being her only daughter and last child probably made her realise that her kids were all grown up and that she would never have to do this again. On the other hand, she was probably relieved, as she had the comfort of knowing we had all done well at school and had all managed to get into university.

As my eyes wandered over to the clock on the wall, I realised it was time to go and I grabbed my things my things. My dad stood awkwardly in the door way with his keys gripped in his left hand. He smiled at me when I turned to face him and he handed me the least heaviest bag that I was taking with me, grinning back at him.


"Mum, it's time to go. You're gonna have to let go now," I said softly as I tried prising my mum's arms off. She was hugging me again and this time she seemed determined to hold onto me.

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