Chapter One - The Queen.

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The Queen was insane, they had control over her, locked in a tower all alone, chained to her bed, she sat there brooding. The insanity had taken over, 3 years she had been locked away. A prisoner in her own home. She was a slave to her mind. Her brain creating a torturous prison for her to live in. The, shadows danced around the room taunting her with their freedom. She laughed manically at the whistles and howls coming through the holes in the tower. Her eerie laughter gave the guards who stood outside her room, chills.

It had been 1097 days since her husband had last let her out of this prison. However, on the 1097th day the heavy duty metal door creaked open and the queen looked at her visitor. The queens hair was a birds nest from grabbing at it. Her eyes were wide but they looked dead. Her head fell to the side as she smiled a crazy toothy smile and she stood up from her bed, the chains rattling as her wrists and ankles moved. "Your majesty, your husband has visitors you're needed" the servant said to her. The queen laughed her manic laugh as the guards walked in and unlocked her chains from her bed. They kept her hands handcuffed and the servants took hold of one chain each and dragged her to a washroom where she was showered and dressed in a floor length gown,

 They kept her hands handcuffed and the servants took hold of one chain each and dragged her to a washroom where she was showered and dressed in a floor length gown,

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Her feet were pushed into blue lace heels and her brown hair was scraped into a bun so she couldn't grab at it. Her crown was placed on her head

*see photo*The guards then took off her handcuffs and stood nearby ready to intervene if needed

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*see photo*
The guards then took off her handcuffs and stood nearby ready to intervene if needed. However, the Queen was smarter than they were. She acted as sane as possible. Her fingers were adored with her wedding and engagement ring and she had a diamond necklace. The guards walked her to the top of the stairs and she walked gracefully down the stairs towards her husband. The King held out his arm however, the Queen never took it. "Dawson, why did you call for me" was all she said "The Dutch and duchess are coming to our kingdom Gwendolyn, act sane or I will never let you out again" she rolled her eyes and sighed, there really was no winning with this man. As we stood in the grand porch to our palace the trumpets sounded and a carriage pulled up. This was it. No messing up.

This is a new story and my first story. Please leave comments of what could be improved and if you want another part. :)

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