Chapter 4 - The Aftermath

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Sensitive topics in this episode, homophobia and old ways to cure insanity, if you're not comfortable reading this I will leave a warning in bold where it starts and ends. :)

The Queen awoke with an incredible pain shooting through her temples. Her vision was blurry and her ears were fuzzy. She heard soft singing and felt someone stroking her hair gently. For many hours the Queen drifted in and out of consciousness. Whenever she came back the voice was still singing and her hair was being stroked. It was 16 hours before she fully came around. She opened her eyes and saw the duchess' beautiful eyes smiling kindly down on her. She smiled a real smile at the duchess.
The duchess started singing in a lullaby in German:

Guten Abend, gute Nacht,
mit Rosen bedacht,
mit Näglein besteckt,
schlupf unter die Deck:
Morgen früh, wenn Gott will,
wirst du wieder geweckt,
morgen früh, wenn Gott will,
wirst du wieder geweckt.

Guten Abend gute Nacht,
von Englein bewacht,
die zeigen im Traum
dir Christkindleins Baum:
Schlaf nur selig und süß,
schau im Traum's Paradies,
schlaf nur selig und süß,
schau im Traum's Paradies.

(Here's the translation:

Good evening, good night,
Bedecked with roses,
Adorned with carnations*,
Slip under the covers.
Tomorrow morn, if God wills,
You'll awake once again.
Tomorrow morn, if God wills,
You'll awake once again.

Good evening, good night,
Little angels watch over;
In a dream they show
You a Christmas tree.
Sleep only blessed and sweet,
See paradise in your dream.
Sleep only blessed and sweet,
See paradise in your dream.)

The queen sighed. "Where did you learn that?" She asked quietly. The duchess explained that her mother sang them to her and her brothers before she many years before she was murdered. "You're German?" The queen enquired. "Half German. My father is Dutch" she explained. The queen came to her surroundings. They were in a grand bedroom and the duchess and her were laying on the bed. "What happened?" She asked. The duchess smiled sadly.

~flashback~ possible trigger warning.
The metal rods were against the queens head as she screamed. I ran through the doors (Helena, the duchess) and hit the man with the machine over the head with a heavy book knocking him out cold. The king looked at me. "We were curing her" was all he said. I shook my head, how Dumb must people be to think this would work. "In my country, where I grew up, they would use this method to stop people from being gay. It didn't work. They'd do it to young kids, why do you think it's okay to do to your wife?" The king laughed. "She's insane" was his response. I picked up the queen bridle style. Oh how I wished it had been our wedding day I was doing this on and not just after she had been tortured. I carried her to my room and placed a cool cloth on her forehead as that woman had done for me, I sang the same lullaby that woman had sang for me.

End of possible trigger warning :)

The queen smiled at the duchess. "You saved me. Thank you. I owe you everything" she hugged the duchess waist. The duchess knew she was insane but yet she still saved her. She had fallen for this woman hard.

This is the end of this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. Leave me ideas for the next chapter and anything I can improve on. :)

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