Part 5 - The Meal

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A/N: sorry I haven't written. I've been having issues with revision for mocks and other issues, I'm all good now. Here's the chapter.

Drowsiness surrounded the queen, her eyes fluttered open, then closed, then open until they finally fell shut with the final decision. She was asleep in the duchesses bed and her nightgown was crisp and clean. She snuggled deeper into the covers and rolled over. She hit something warm and solid and opened her eyes. Less than 10cm away was the duchess. Her eyes were closed and her lips were parted slightly. Her warm breath blew gently across the queens face. The duchesses arm swung over and rested on the queens waist. She tensed. "Relax" came a sleepy mumble. Beautiful ocean eyes opened slightly and the duchess smiled. "You're comfy. I never want to move" the queen chuckled. "Helena, so beautiful" the duchess smiled a genuine smile and stroked the duchesses face. "You know. I got taught this was wrong. But how can something that is so perfect be wrong?" The queen laughed gently. "It's not wrong. What are you talking about"
8 year old Helena was playing in the woods just off her estate. She was alone. She was playing with the fairies. They danced around her. Taking her to the ball, well In her imagination they were. They weren't really there. "Helena! Dinner is ready" her mother called. Helena ran to her mother. Her mother sighed at her dirty dress. She snapped her fingers. A young girl about 10 stepped forward, her dark hair over her shoulder. Her teal eyes were soft and warm and comforting. "Helena, this is your new personal maid. Her name is Lizzy. She will take care of you, whatever you need" Helena nodded. They all walked into the palace and her mother told Lizzy to do clean Helena up. After a few minutes of silence Helenas tiny hand slipped into lizzy's slightly bigger hand. She felt Lizzy squeeze it. "How old are you, I'm 8" Helena said holding up 7 fingers. Lizzy giggled and put another of Helenas fingers up. "8 huh, wow, you're a big girl aren't you, I'm 10" Helenas eyes lit up. "Oooo Yey, someone who'll play with me!"
She did a little dance making Lizzy smile. Helena arrived in the banquet hall in 15 minutes, new gown on and hair done beautifully. Her parents were thrilled.
                            ~10 years later~
Helena sighed as she walked back up the stairs to her bedroom. Her parents didn't seem to understand that none of these men they wanted her to marry were who she wanted. Her parents however believe in duty over love. She groaned and rubbed her face. She opened the door to where she knew the only person who she could ever love and truly be herself around would be waiting. And there she was, looking as beautiful as ever in her outfit. Her long white dress with a black apron and her tiny black shoes suited her strangely well. He black hair was in curls around her shoulders. Her beautiful face broke into a smile when Helena walked through the door. It looked like the whole room had lit up. Now, homosexuality in their district was punishable by death. So Helena and her lover had to stay secret but it hasn't stayed secret long. Helenas healer, Charlie, had walked in on the two of the cuddling in bed wearing nothing. Now that was a tricky one to explain. Thankfully, Charlie was loyal and they had just laughed it off. Helenas warriors had their suspicions however none would say anything.
So here the two of them were lying in bed snuggling. Lizzy running her fingers through Helenas hair and singing softly to her. Helena was having a hard time staying awake. "Babe, you found anyone to marry yet?" Lizzy asked softly. Helena smiled and nodded. "She's right here. Come on. Let's escape" Lizzy giggled at her antics. "Babe, we can't. We'll get caught" "'no we'd run far away. Tomorrow night meet me in the stables at midnight and we shall leave then" Lizzy kissed her forehead and nodded. They soon fell asleep. However, the Dutch walked into the room as they were sleeping. His eyes were like fires and her roared at the to of them "what do you two think you're doing" the two girls shot up straight and stared at him in fear. Helena shrugged "I've been having nightmares pa. Lizzy has been staying here to calm me down when I wake up rather than having to run across the castle" she hoped her lie had worked. Obviously it hadn't. "So you're now lying to me. Guards!" The Dutch's guards ran in and grabbed them both separating them from each other. "Kill the maid." Helena fought against the guards and yelled and begged for her father to not do that. However. An arrow was shot into Lizzys stomach meaning she would die slowly and painfully. The guards dropped Helena and left giving them disgusting looks. Helena ran to Lizzy and Charlie arrived not long after. They began their work to try and save Lizzy whilst Helena whispered comforting things to her whilst stroking her face. However, she could not be saved. Helena kissed her one last time and then Lizzy had gone. Charlie held Helena as she cried her heart out. Charlie rocked her and sang to her stroking her hair. The guards came to burn Lizzy but were threatened to be killed if they touched her. Helena picked her up and carried her to the woods. She placed her down gently in a glade and Charlie dug a hole in which they lowered her. They covered her up and gave her a headstone in which using Charlie's knife, Helena had carved 'my love, I am yours forever' the tears streamed down her face and Charlie carried her home.

                             ~end of flashback~
The Dutches pulled Helena in and let her snuggle into her neck as she cried. "You remind me so much of her" and there they stayed for hours until the dinner gong sounded signally the end of the comfort for them both.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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