Wedding day

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Finally the wedding day had arrived

Dally, who wanted everything to be perfect, had rented the park of a magnificent castle for the ceremony

As tradition dictated, he hadn't seen Jasmine since the day before and was forbidden to see her before the ceremony

Dally couldn't stand not being able to see her and was really really impatient to see her

Jasmine with her brother, finished getting ready in one of the rooms of the castle

The young girl, in her wedding dress, looked at herself in the mirror, her hand on her stomach

"You are beautiful sis" Said Semir looking at his little sister, tenderly

"Thanks but I'm having trouble breathing ... I'm so nervous ...

Suddenly Rose entered the room, pushing Leïla and Naël's stroller

"Jaz, come and see how beautiful your babies are in their ceremonial clothes"

Rose approached Jasmine 

"Oh my loves how beautiful you are" The young girl tenderly stroked the faces of the twins before kissing them tenderly "Dally saw them ?

- No, not yet, I'm taking them to see him"

Jasmine nodded and Rose left the room with the twins 

Jasmine looked in the mirror again

"I wish mom and dad were here ...

- They are here ..." Whispered Semir, putting his arm around Jasmine's shoulders "... they are always by our side, those who love us and whom we love, never really leave us, they continue to live through us, inside our hearts"

Tears were running down Jasmine's cheeks

"Dry your tears, sis, mom and dad wouldn't want you to cry because of them on your wedding day, on the contrary, they would like to see you happy and smile

- You are right ...

- Come on, the ceremony will start soon, don't keep your future husband and the guests waiting"

Jasmine nodded and they left the room 

A few minutes later the ceremony began

Semir led his little sister to Dally, who had tears in his eyes when he saw Jasmine

Jasmine smiled tenderly at him, tears in her eyes

Rose seated in the first row with her father, had Leïla and Naël on her knees

Rose's dad had Noah on his knees

"Looked at how beautiful your mommy is" Whispered Rose to the twins

Everyone was present at the ceremony, the whole gang was there, even Aiyana, Johnny's girlfriend, Jennie, Soda's girlfriend and Moon, Pony's girlfriend were there

Semir kissed his little sister on the forehead, before giving her hand to Dally and going to sit next to Rose

"You are so beautiful" Whispered Dally tenderly, devouring his Jasmine with his eyes and caressing her beautiful black hair with his free hand 

Jasmine smiling tenderly at him as he leaned in to kiss her tenderly and lovingly

Throughout the ceremony, Dally and Jasmine didn't take their eyes off each other

Nothing seemed to exist around them except them and their love for each other

Dally held Jasmine's hand in his and stroked it tenderly with his thumb 

"Dallas Tucker Winston do you take Jasmine Lina Hayek to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live ?

- I do" Replied Dally with emotion

"Jasmine Lina Hayek do you take Dallas Tucker Winston to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live ?

- I do" Replied Jasmine, tears in her eyes

"Now I pronounce you man and wife, you can kiss the bride"

Dally kissed, then, Jasmine passionately

The guests congratulated them and threw rose petals at them 

Dally and Jasmine looked at their guests smiling

Semir and Rose came to give them the twins

Dally and Jasmine hugged their babies, kissing them tenderly 

Jasmine threw her bouquet and it was finally Aiyana who caught it

Dally winked at Johnny

Johnny put, then, his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders and kissed her on the cheek, blushing 

A few minutes later, as they were dancing, Dally rested his forehead against Jasmine's

"I love you Jasmine Winston

- I love you too Dallas Winston"

Dally leaned over, then, and lovingly kissed the love of his life

He was definitely the happiest of men

"Can't wait for our honeymoon" Dally winked at Jasmine, smiling

"Me too" Smiles Jasmine, stroking Dally's cheek, before he kisses her again 

They were definitely the happiest in the world

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now