Ordinary Day

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Sitting on the living room sofa, Jasmine was tenderly breastfeeding Tahina and tenderly humming a lullaby in Arabic, Lady and the puppies were lying beside her on the sofa, Syana was happily drawing on the base table, seated on the carpet and Dally was left to drop off Leïla, Naël, Sherine, Lïana and Aaliyah at school

"Look, mommy !" Said Syana happily and suddenly, happily showing her drawing to Jasmine

Jasmine smiled fondly, looking at her daughter with love and tenderness

"It's magnificent, my treasure

- Thank you mommy" Smiling tenderly, Syana suddenly and happily got up and came to stand next to her mother happily

Smiling tenderly, Jasmine tenderly and lovingly kissed then her daughter on the forehead

Syana smiled happily

"Here mommy, it's for you" Said the little girl happily, happily handing her drawing to her mother

"Oh thank you so much, sweetheart" Smiling tenderly, Jasmine tenderly kissed Syana on the forehead again

Syana smiled happily

"You like it mommy ?

- Of course, sweetheart, it's so beautiful, I adore it" Smiling tenderly, Jasmine tenderly kissed her daughter on the forehead again before cuddling her face tenderly and affectionately against hers

Syana smiled happily

"I love you mommy

- I love you too my baby" Smiling tenderly, Jasmine tenderly and affectionately kissed Syana on the cheek, hugging her face even more tenderly and lovingly against her daughter's

Syana smiled tenderly and happily

At the same time Dally, who had just come home, entered the living room

A tender and loving smile naturally appeared then on the young man's face when his gaze fell on his wife and daughters

"My wonders" He thought tenderly

"Mommy, can I go play in the garden ?" Asked Syana suddenly and happily

"Of course my heart" Smiled Jasmine tenderly "I'm done breastfeeding your little sister and we'll join you"

Smiling happily, Syana nodded happily and Jasmine kissed her tenderly on the cheek again before she went to play happily in the garden, happily dragging Lady and the puppies with her

Smiling tenderly, Dally tenderly and lovingly approached then his Jasmine and kissed her tenderly and lovingly on the head, tenderly and lovingly cupping her head and in his hands and burying his face tenderly and lovingly in her beautiful black hair

Surprised, Jasmine jumped a little before smiling tenderly and tenderly turning her head towards her husband, looking at him with love and tenderness

"My love, you're already home ! I didn't hear you" Smiled tenderly Jasmine

Smiling tenderly, Dally nodded tenderly before tenderly and lovingly kissing his Jasmine, tenderly and lovingly burying his tongue in her mouth and tenderly and lovingly stroking her beautiful black hair

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now