Surprise, trip to Egypt and cruise on the Nile

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A few days ago Dally had decided to participate in a draw, at the Dingo, whose reward was a trip to Egypt, more precisely a cruise on the Nile

He hadn't said anything to Jasmine and their children for fear that they would be disappointed if he didn't win

Dally, accompanied by Johnny and Aiyana, was eagerly awaiting the result

"What are they waiting for to announce this fucking result ?!" Dally getting angry and impatient

"Calm down Dal

- There's the organizer" Said Aiyana, pointing to the old man coming up on the stage

"It's time to find out the name of the winner

- Finally" Grumbled Dally

Johnny and Aiyana looked at each other smiling and Johnny kissed his girlfriend tenderly on the forehead

The organizer reached into the huge ballot box set up on the stage and pulled out a piece of paper

"And the winner is ..."

Many of the participants crossed their fingers, hoping to win

"... Dallas Winston !"

The young man couldn't believe his ears, obviously he was overjoyed, obviously he wanted to win but there had been so many participants that he didn't dare to imagine that he was really going to win

Johnny and Aiyana were overjoyed for their friend and congratulated him before he took to the stage, joining the organizer

Many participants left, disappointed to not have won

"Congratulations young man

- Thank you very much

- Do you already have an idea of ​​who you want to go with or are you going alone ?

- I will go there with my wife and our children

- I'm sure it will make them happy, congratulations again !

- Thank you" Dally ended up coming down from the stage and joining Johnny and Aiyana

Johnny and Aiyana congratulated him again

"Congratulations Dal !

- Jasmine is going to be so happy when you'll tell her !" Said Aiyana happily

Johnny nodded, tightening his hand tenderly over his girlfriend's

"I can't wait to see her reaction" Smiled Dally tenderly

"Do you want to drink a milkshake or a coke to celebrate ?

- No, I'm going home, I just can't wait to tell my Jasmine and our children"

Johnny and Aiyana smiled

"Okay, we'll stay, see you later

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now