Chapter 13 - Changes

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Life happened and I lost the flow of writing. The story is there, in my mind, but it was not making it onto the "paper". I am going to post a couple of short chapters to hopefully get things moving again!


Lily sighed as she looked down at the grocery list. How could her little kids eat so much food every week. Breakfast alone was a paycheck killer...eggs, milk, cereal... Well, that bottle of wine in the cart wasn't exactly for the kids. Double checking she had at least found all the food on her list, Lily catches a movement out of the corner of her eye.

Turning quickly, Lily swears she saw a tall, well built, man with dark hair. A man that lurks in her daydreams; but no one is in the aisle with her. Lately her mind had been playing tricks on her. Ever since she had gone to the hospital in the mountains to sit with Brax, she has been seeing him or sensing him around town. There was the day she was taking her kids to a community event and she thought she saw Brax and a number of other familiar faces, but when she looked back they were gone. Another day she thought she sensed him on campus, while her trip to the auto parts store ended with her roaming the aisles in search of a pair of silver eyes she thought she saw. It was getting pretty ridiculous really, but her mind would not let up.

Since her errands were done and the kids did not need to be picked up for a bit, Lily decided to swing by the coffee shop to grab a caramel macchiato. Caffeine and sugar were a good remedy for her mood right now.

Sitting down, she hears:


Looking up, Braxton is standing in front of her:

"You were there - thank you."

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