[ c h a p t e r ᐧ t w o ]

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Calli tightened her grip on Harry's solid torso, feeling his muscles through his leather jacket. Suddenly it hit her what she was doing.

"HARRY!" she yelled through the wind. He turned his head back toward her. "GET ME OFF OF THIS THING!"

He shakes his head and continued on and considering they were on the highway, that was probably a wise choice. But she barely knew him let alone where he was taking her! As they pulled off onto a dirt road, Calli could feel that something was wrong with the motorcycle. Harry must've felt it too because he was pulling over onto the side of the road. As he came to a stop, he pulled off his helmet. Calli watched his flowy hair fall around his ears all tousled and like it hadn't been brushed. She tried to expel the little tickle in her stomach but failed.

Calli hopped off the motorcycle and fumbled around her pockets for her phone, to no avail. Oh no, she thought. She must've left it in the bathroom. Calli gasped. Ashly might've had her phone! Who knows what she'd do with it!

"Harry, what happened?" Calli cried.

He grunted but said nothing. She watched as he opened up the motorcycle and looked inside for damage. The chill of the afternoon began crawling up her back and she shivered. Harry looked up from his motorcycle with narrowed eyes. He began to remove his leather jacket when Calli stopped him.

"Don't take that off, it's cold!"

He persisted however, and to her surprise, he set the jacket on her shoulders. His fresh scent of pine came to her nose as she took a deep breath in. She noticed the tattoos on his arms for the first time, and realized how attracted she was to him. But she could never get into a relationship with a guy like him, even if he wanted her, which was unlikely. Why date a gamer gorl when you can date Ashly?

"Harry? What do you like to do? Besides ride motorcycles," she added timidly, brushing a piece of hair behind her ears.

Once again, he looked up from the vehicle but this time his eyes were laced with surprise.

"I like music," he answered curtly.

Calli tried not to let on to how shook she was. Though, it wouldn't surprise her to see him rocking in his garage with an electric guitar and an amp so loud the neighbors got mad.

"Do you sing?" When he nodded, she asked, "Will you sing something for me?"

He looked at her curiously, as of deciding whether she was worth showing his ability or not. He wiped his hands on a handkerchief sling over his shoulder and titled his head. She half expected to hear him start scream-singing a death metal song at the top of his lungs, so she was surprised when his voice was deep and melodic.

"We're only gettin' older, baby
And I've been thinkin' about it lately
Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes?
Everything that you've ever dreamed of
Disappearing when you wake up
But there's nothing to be afraid of
Even when the night changes
It will never change me and you."

It took Calli a few seconds before she was able to pick her jaw up off the dirt road. She'd never heard anything like it before, except on the radio.

"That was... beautiful. What was that song?"

He paused for a moment. "It's called Night Changes. My band and I wrote it."

Her wonder continued. Whatever his band was, they could be a world wide hit! And whichever girl was lucky enough to snatch him up, well... she would be something. Maybe... maybe he already had a girlfriend.

"Harry... do you have a girlfriend," she asked, biting her lip.

Calli looked at him and tried not to show her hope.

"I d-" he began.

Suddenly, a figure bolted out from the trees and grabbed her. Calli felt a cold metal placed on her neck as her back was pressed against the person.

"Gimme all yer money!" yelled a man.

She could smell his nasty breath and see his rotting teeth. His unkempt beard scratched at the top of her head.

"Gimme it or yer girl dies!"

"Harry!" she pleaded, tears leaking from her eyes.

Harry Smyles had anger in his eyes as he reached behind him and pulled out a shiny metal gun.

All of the sudden, the man had a gun also and had it pressed to her temple.

Before she could blink, a gunshot went off.

a/n: whatttt???? do you think calli is dead? i hope not, but you never know!

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