[ c h a p t e r ᐧ t h r e e ]

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The gunshot echoed in Calli's heart as the man behind her fell too the ground. She could feel her pulse in every part of her body. Harry's eyes had a look of relief and he tucked the glock back into the waistband of his pants. Calli felt her knees go weak and she crumpled down to the ground in a heap.

"Calli!" he cried, rushing down to where she laid.

Harry grabbed her hands and ran his eyes over her body, searching for any sign of injury. Her eyes fluttered closed but he grabbed her face and brushed the tears away with his thumb.

"Are you hurt, love?"

Calli gathered her strength and shook her head. She pulled herself up out of his grasp.

"I'm fine. Can you please just get me home?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll call someone." He sounded nervous.

Harry got on the phone with someone, probably his friend because Calli heard him open with, "hey, man..". She walked over to where his leather jacket laid in the grass, she hadn't even realized it had fallen off of her shoulders. When Harry hung up, she tried to hand it back to him, but he shook his head.

"You keep it for now."

They sat against the motorcycle waiting together in silence for a half hour before a rusty old pickup truck pulled up beside them. A blond head poked out of the driver's side window and a pair of eyes drifted from the top of her body down to the bottom and then back up again. A split second later her view was obstructed by Harry, who stepped in front of her like a shield.

Harry took her hand and guided her to the other side of the truck. When she tried to hop in, he grabbed her wrist gently.

"I'll sit in the middle," he said shortly, almost like he was angry.

The boy in the driver's seat laughed and rolled his eyes as the two of them got into his truck. He stuck his arm out to her over Harry, who sat squished between them.

"I'm Niall Horan, this lump of joy's friend," he introduced.

Calli extended her arm as well, and they shook over Harry's chest. Niall whispered something to him and Harry smacked him on the back of the head.

"Ow! That was not necessary or nice, Styles."

Her brow furrowed in confusion. "Styles? I thought it was-"

He cast a sharp glance in his friend's direction. "It is, he's just being stupid."

Niall started up the loud engine and we rode away. Calli's mouth dropped open in shock when he pulled up directly in front of her house.

"How did you know this was my house?" she asked incredulously.

Niall looked at Harry. "Styles told me, of course."

She turned her antagonizing eyes toward Harry, who shrugged. She grabbed the front of his shirt and got up in his face.

"How. Did. You. Know?" she questioned.

Their gaze locked and she stared into his deep green eyes as his gaze flickered to her lips ever so quickly and then back up again. She could've kissed him right then, their lips were inches apart.

"Or what?"

All of the sudden Calli's hands were sweating and she released her grip on his shirt. The moment was broken like it should've never started in the first place.

"Wooooo..." Niall exhaled, fanning himself as if he was in the desert. "THAT was hot."

For the second time, Niall received a slap to the back of the head.

"I'll walk you to the door," Harry suggested, reaching over her and opening the truck door.

She slipped out and walked up her driveway to her front door as Niall pulled out of the driveway with a wave and a wink. Harry just glared at him. When they approached the steps, Calli turned around to face him.

"Well, um. That was an adventure. I'm sorry about your bike, I hope you get it fixed. I'm also sorry you had to cross Ashly, but thanks for doing it for me. I know it doesn't seem like I-"

He cut her off with a chuckle.

"What? Am I talking too much? I am, aren't I. Well, goodnight, I guess."

For some reason, he didn't move. Before she could say anything, Calli's dad's voice came from inside of the house.

"Calli? Is that you?"

Frantically, she called back, "Yeah, dad, I'm coming!"

Harry began to turn back slowly and walk off the porch, but a question came out of her mouth before she could stop it.

"How are you getting home?" she whispered.

A sly smile crept up onto his lips. "I live close."

"Really? How close?" She'd never seen him around before.

This time, he was full on grinning as he pointed and said, "I'm you new next door neighbor."

a/n: whaaaatttt?? that's CRAZY!!! i know i wasn't expecting a twist like that! 😉😉

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