[ c h a p t e r ᐧ f o u r ]

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Calli walked numbly up the stairs with one thought in her head: Harry Smyles was her neighbor. As she slipped on a large t-shirt and shorts, she wondered what his deal was. Why would he have a gun on his person? And- wait... did he bring it to school?! She shook her head as if that would clear the questions from it, before falling backwards onto her bed with a huff. Harry Symles. Her neighbor. Calli bolted upright. She knew the house beside hers had a window facing the one in her bedroom, and it had been vacant for so long that she hadn't thought to close her curtains. Slowly, she came to the window and peered out.

Harry stood there in her view shirtless, the tattoos on his chest there for all to see. His body was made up of lean muscles and it was evident that he worked out. Probably at Marshall2FITNESS Gym right down the road. A blush spread across her cheeks, as much as she willed it not to. Calli saw his body turn slightly and suddenly his eyes met hers through the two windows and between the two houses.

Panicking, she ducked underneath the window and hid there until she thought it was safe. Calli peeked her head out the window just to check, and saw Harry standing there in a white t-shirt with a grin on his face before looking right at her and flipping the light switch off mysteriously.

Calli steadied her breathing from that embarrassing encounter and covered her head with a blanket in bed. Hopefully he would forget about it by morning. Or at least not tell any of his friends. She grimaced. Not likely.


The morning sun shone through Calli's window, reminding her to close that curtain unless she wanted Harry watching her change. Not that he would. Guilt stabbed her gut. She had. But technically it was an accident, and she hadn't seen anything terribly bad or inappropriate.

She grabbed a bagel on her way out of the house and before she could take a bite, it was snatched from her hand by nimble fingers and someone else took a bite.

"HARRY!" she yelled, reaching for it.

He held it above his head with his long arm and for the first time she noticed their considerable difference in height.

"You need a ride?" he asked, taking another bite.

Calli rolled her eyes. "First, I barely know you. Second, your motorcycle is broken, unless you fixed it after you got home, which I know you didn't because..."

She could feel heat spreading over her cheeks at the memory. Harry grinned knowingly.

"Good try, but my motorcycle isn't my only way to school."

Calli didn't respond.


"So, no thank you, I can walk."

"Suit yourself," he replied, taking her bagel back to his garage.

As soon she stepped out onto the sidewalk, she felt rain plopping down on her face. Unfortunately, she was determined to press on and not utilize the help of one cocky boy who happened to be a magnificent singer. The cold rain began to pound against her head, slapping her cheeks and wetting her hair. Soon it was seeping through her clothes.

An engine revved as a convertible mustang pulled up beside her.

"Hey, Calli. Wanna hop in now?" Harry asked from inside the car.

She gritted her teeth but slid in the passenger seat. The whole car smelled like him, pine, with the vaguest hint of nail polish. Suddenly, the rain stopped.

"Did you create that rainstorm?" He chuckled. "No seriously, did you manifest it to get me in your car?"

Harry just shrugged. "I guess you'll never know..." He trailed off mysteriously.

Calli rolled her eyes. Harry flipped something on the controls and a song came on that she recognized.

"We're only getting older, baby..."

She looked at Harry, who promptly shut it off. "Was that your song? On the radio?"

He fidgeted. "Uh, no. I must've left a cd in there or something."

"You sounded so good! Was that Niall's voice too?" Calli asked.

"Yeah, he plays the guitar. Anyway, what were you doing looking into my window last night?"

"Don't try to change the subject, Harry. Your band is fantastic! Where do you play?"

He looked at her, as if considering.

"Madison Square Garden," he said with a straight face.

"Ha, ha. I'd love to see you play sometime anyway... if you're comfortable with that."

He looked anything but comfortable with that. As they pulled into the school parking lot, she was almost sad that their time was over. She gave him a little smile which he reciprocated to a lesser degree.

"Harry!" a female voice exclaimed.

A blonde figure with long legs bounded over to Calli's ride to school and planted a long lasting kiss directly on his mouth.

a/n: nooooo!!! poor calli! 😭😭😭 harry!! 😡😡. remember to vote haha!!

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