[ c h a p t e r ᐧ s i x ]

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When the bell rang, Calli booked it out of there before Harry could catch up and took refuge in her next class, which was math. She couldn't believe Harry would say something like that, but Ashly knew about Niall and the blonde girl. The cheerleader's words were all she could think of for the next three periods and she got in trouble multiple times for spacing out when the teacher asked her a question.

When she got to the lunchroom, she was glad to see that Harry wasn't sitting at her table. Calli plopped down her lunch of refrigerated spaghetti and her grandmother's cookies onto the table and sat down. She cringed at the texture of the pasta but continued to eat it. A clattering on her table shifted her attention to a brown haired boy she didn't recognize who had slammed his tray down across from her.

"Calli Lynn?" he asked with a goofy smile. When she nodded mid bite he continued on. "Liam Bayne." For some reason he emphasized the 'B' and chuckled to himself, almost as if he was laughing at his own joke. "This..." He held out a papillion monster energy drink. "Is for you. From Harry Smyles." Once again, he giggled to himself.

A blush creeped into her cheeks at the mention of his name, but she couldn't forget what he had said to his friends about her. Admittedly, the fact that he'd remembered her favorite drink was slightly endearing. It was probably hard to forget after it was poured all over him yesterday.

"Look at you, turning all red. Cute. Harry has a girlfriend, however. You know who doesn't?" he asked.

"Uh... You?"

Liam pointed to a beautiful girl across the cafeteria who sent a wave in their direction. "No. Niall doesn't, though." He cupped his hands around his mouth and whispered, "He told me to say that."

Suddenly a hand reached out and smacked him in the back of the head. "Liam, what is wrong with you?"

Liam just shrugged and turned back to her. "Harry told me to tell you he was sorry for whatever he did, because you 'seemed kinda pissed'."

Calli shook her head in denial once again and cracked open the monster. "Why would I be mad? I have no reason to be mad." She bit her tongue as the words "ugly" and "friendless" swam around in her head like sharks during a feeding frenzy.

"Mmhmm..." He trailed off as if suspicious. "Anyway, Amandla and I... and this dipwad" (directed at Niall) "need a place to sit, and we were wondering if these seats are open?"

"Yeah, of course. I'll move."

As she began gathering her things, Niall raised a harsh eyebrow. "Who hurt you? We're sitting with you, we're not kicking you out!"

Calli stopped in her tracks, feeling stupid. "Oh."

Everyone got seated and Amandla introduced herself to Calli. "Mandy", as she insisted Calli call her, was brilliantly beautiful with a radiant smile that almost rivaled Harry's. She could see why Liam was dating her.

Calli cleared her throat. "So, how long have the two of you been together?" she asked, gesturing between the two of them.

Mandy laughed and sent a slightly confused glance towards Liam, who also laughed. When Mandy looked away, away, Liam's eyes went wide and he ran his hand back and forth over his neck in protest and mouthed, "No! Nope! We're not! Uh-uh."

"What made you think that?" Mandy asked, a smile on her face.

"Uh, nothing. I guess I just assumed, sorry. Anyway, where's Harry?"

The boys shared a look, and Calli acted like she hadn't noticed, but she totally had. "He's visiting his uh, mom across town."

His mom. Sure. Strange, Calli hadn't seen the blonde girl recently either. She took a breath and tried to keep mean thoughts about that girl completely out of her head. She was probably a nice girl who had stolen Harry's heart and they probably weren't even hanging out now. It was very possible he was with his mom.

"Calli, do you wanna go to the restaurant Henry's nearby right after school?" Mandy asked. "Harry said he was your ride and he was gonna be a little late getting back here."

Harry was coming back to school to get her? Calli swooned a little.

"Yeah, that'd be fun."


When Mandy and Calli entered Henry's, it was very obvious that Harry was not hanging out with his mother. Nor was he in a hot make out session with the blonde girl. He was singing. And he was singing incredibly.

a/n: wheeew 😅😅 i actually thought maybe harry had ditched her and lied about it! at least his friends were the ones that lied! excited for the next chapter??

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