Chapter 1️⃣8️⃣:

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Perrie POV:

I woke to Jade kissing my head. I kept my eyes shut loving the feeling of how her soft lips were pressing up against forehead, to then release and kiss it somewhere else.

It meant a lot that she had gotten back here this early, she was beyond exhausted when she left last night and still made sure she was here for me first thing.

"I know your awake Edwards." She mumbled into my forehead, her lips vibrating against my head.

"Mmmm." I mumbled back still half asleep, I turned to look up at her.

Big mistake.

The second I looked at her I couldn't look away. She had her ocean waves out, flowing over either shoulder, with a middle parting. The hair sculpting her gorgeous face. Her cute button nose rounding out to her chubby cheeks. Her defined jaw line and pressed lips as she stared down at me.

Breathing what was that?

I tried to remember I was a living human, sucking in an overly deep breathe. "How did you know I was awake then?"

She giggled, "Your nostrils stopped flaring as you stared to breathe in through your mouth."

I literally felt as though my heart was be squeezed, as my stomach and faced tensed into a smile. I don't know how she knew that but knowing someone pays attention to like that is enough to make you insides smile, I couldn't tell her that though.

I tried to play it off cool, I already could see by her face she regretted saying it. "Stalker." I mumbled under my breathe.

"I'm not a stalker." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Explain how you know that then." I said smirking knowing she couldn't.

"Shut up." Her way of telling me I had won, before I could gloat though she carried on. "You are being discharged." She said beaming down at me.

It took a second to understand what she said before I shrieked. "Omg really? Thank god when can we go?" I said already leaping out the bed.

"Jesus, it's an actual miracle." Jade mumbled.

"What's an actual miracle Amelia?" I questioned, knowing the answer was going to be her annoying me somehow.

"Perrie Louise Edwards actually just got out of bed off her own accord, less than two minutes after someone woke her up." She sniggered, I just ignored her. The impact of my full name coming out her mouth was a lot! Just her saying Perrie makes me smile and ears prick up, so full name made the butterflies kick in. I started packing up my things actually knowing where they were unlike Jade did.

She explained to me that Mrs Williams had been by and she had said about therapy and getting me some. It sounded like her and Jade were actually becoming friends, which I didn't mind one bit as she seemed lovely. I was hesitant about therapy but I also had to accept that my head space wasn't healthy to be in at the moment and therapy would help that.

We pulled up to our flat, Jade driving as I still wasn't well enough. I had been so excited to leave the hospital I had forgotten all about the events that had happened at the flat before I was put into a coma at the hospital. Zayn.

He attacked my mind like a poison. Taking over the whole thing, legs bouncing up and down, thighs pressed together tightly. My breathing quickening as Jade got the my bags from the boot. I was alone.

My throat started to close up on me as I struggled for breath, as though his hands were back around my throat.

"Perrie." I looked to the window seeing Jade knocking on it.

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