Chapter 2️⃣0️⃣:

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Jade POV:

We were still at the restaurant with Leigh and Jesy, discussing our upcoming tour to America. It was going to be a long one and I was extremely excited.

Perrie had managed to nibble at my food, I purposely ordered chips, garlic bread and steak so she would as I knew it was some of her favourites. Who can ignore a garlic bread?

I was proud of her for it. She didn't know about it in huge detail but I suffered with eating disorders all through my childhood so I knew how hard it is for her. But she handled it like a champ.

I had my hand rested on the outer side of her thigh, letting her know I was there and tracing my nails up and down. Her breathing laboured, I knew she loved it when I did this. She had jeans on, which was annoying because I loved touching her skin it was addicting. From her earlier events about being worried about tonight I was watching her like a hawk for any signs she wasn't okay.

She was actually immersed in the conversation and not drawn back like she has been a lot of the last week, so I wasn't worrying as much.

"So on tour for the first week there are two rooms in the hotel, one only has a double bed, not two singles so who wants to take it?" Jesy asked, already knowing me and Perrie would.

We had already agreed that Perrie and I would share and Leigh and Jesy would.

"Me and Perrie don't mind." I said, I knew she struggled to sleep alone so was just trying to be nice.....that's what I told myself anyway.

"Of course your wouldn't." Leigh smirked, clearly not dropping the unfinished conversation we had started at the club.

I blushed. Hard.

Jesy laughing. "Perrie do you mind sharing with her? Usually she somehow kicks me out the bed when I share with her."

Perrie giggled, turning to look at me. "No I don't mind at all, I have never been kicked out the bed by her."

"You're lucky, probably because when you're done with her she is too tired to move her legs." Jesy mocked, dirty minded as always.

It clearly made Leigh laugh as she sprayed her drink across the table hitting Perrie.

"Ewwww, I'm wet now." She shrieked.

Everyone laughing and Jesy banging on about some other rubbish, as I whispered into Perrie ear. "I think you were wet long before that, love." Getting her to shudder, the exact reaction I wanted.

I loved riling her up, the sex on the beach had definitely kicked in though, gave me the confidence to slightly over step the line. Or rather her line, I don't think I knew a line when it came to her, I would happily fuck her. I teased her like this a lot, nothing usually came of it. Other than her of course turning red and turning her face away.

She joined the conversation again, ignoring me. I didn't like that. Not at all.

I moved my hand to her inner thigh, as she was much more sensitive there, scraping my nails up it lightly getting higher. Her eyes snapped straight to mine as I smirked, I knew that would get a reaction.

What I didn't expect was how she further opened her legs for me. She carried on like nothing was happening. Was she testing me?

Fine, I'm going to past this test with flying colours.

I traced my hand higher and higher, slightly digging my nails in. That got her to stutter on her words.

"What was that Perrie?" I asked again, teasing.

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