A Mission Messed Up

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Warnings: This does contain mentions of paedophilia. Please be careful.


"Google update." Dark whispered as he looked down the dimly lit hallway.

"It seems as if Wilford went rogue. He isn't following the plan. The target is in his office. I would hurry if a teenage girl just walked in the building." Google replied through the earpiece.

Dark nodded and crept down the hallway. "Could you turn off the lights?"

"Of course," Google said as the lights flickered off.

"Dark, the teenage girl is walking to his office. She looks scared. Tell her to get out of there." Edward chimed in.

Dark groaned. "Another witness."

"No, she won't tell the cops anything. She's Lilly Black. She's one of his victims. She needs to get out but she can't your doing her a favour."

Dark frowned. "I fucking hate paedophiles."

"Then this is the job for you," Edward said.

"Please save jokes for after the mission," Dark muttered.

"If Wilford was here you wouldn't tell him to stop." Edward pointed out.

Google sighed. "Wilford has gone rogue on the missions, again."

"He really doesn't like men who take advantage of women."

"Is that about-"

"Don't mention her." Dark hissed.

They went silent as Dark crept down the hallway. "Hello?" A voice asked.

Dark froze and turned to see a young woman. She nervously fiddled with her dress. "Who are you?"

Dark straightened his posture. "Someone that's going to help. Get out of here."

The girl shook her head. "I can't. I have a meeting."

"You don't have to go. Go home. Everything will be fixed tomorrow."

"What are you going to do?" she whispered.


Lilly paused. "Ok." She whispered and ran off.

Dark smiled and continued down the hallway. He opened the door to the man's office and sighed. Wilford was sitting on the desk covered in blood. "Wil!"

Wilford grinned. "Heya Dark! Sorry about the mess. He really pissed me off."

"You weren't following the plan." Dark hissed.

Wilford frowned. "Again I'm sorry Dark. I got in and started chatting him up like you said and he offered to let me have some fun with him and a child. A child!"

Dark nodded. "Google, how can we fix this?"

"I would blame it on the emerald eye killer," Google said.

Dark sighed. "Wilford shot him."

Google paused. "Remove any evidence you were there leave evidence of a rival business."

Dark nodded and got to work. Wilford removed the evidence he had done it, cleaning up blood and taking the bullet out. Dark planted evidence of a rivel he took multiple important papers. Not that he would use them. They'd be good kindling. "Google get us out of here," Dark said.

Dark frowned when Google did not reply. "Edward!"

Edward squeaked. "I can't get a hold of him. Retrace your steps. The cameras are still off."

Dark sighed and gestured for Wilford to follow him. They made their way to the back door and opened it carefully. "I see you made it out ok." Googles voice ran through their earpieces.

"Google where the fuck were you?"

Google took a deep breath. "Sorry Dark something came up."

"Well, we're going to have a talk about this when you get home. Wilford, I'll drive you to the backseat you're still covered in blood."

Wilford nodded and hopped into the car. "Google you're in so much trouble," Dark muttered.

"I'm prepared for the lecture, Dark."

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