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*teacher walks around class*
"today we're going to read 'if you come softly' by jacqueline woodson. we are only going to read the first two chapters, so partner up"

*rubs neck*
"i did not sleep well last night. my neck is killing me"

*opens book*
"you had conversations with brook423, what did you guys talk about?"

*moves head in circles*
"i thought i told you not to associate with him"

"i'm not"

"so why are you so interested in our conversations?"

*flips page*
"just curious, maybe he isn't that bad of a person you make him out to be"

"dude is a nut. he asked me to make my profile public so he can see my friends lists"

*plays with chin*
"that is weird. how many people did he request from your friends?"

"let me check"
*takes out phone*

"let's see, mutual friends"

*moves closer*

*squints eyes*
"that's weird, he only requested you" *shrugs* "he probably thought you were the only pretty one"

*sits back in chair*

Brook423Where stories live. Discover now