Father's Study

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"i'm home!"
*peeks in*

"where is that old man?"
*studies the room*

*walks over to desk*

*sits in chair*

*spins around a few times*

*notices something on desk*
"what's this?"

Mr. Valentine,

It is to our understanding that you've been peaking around and searching for something on the Paris case. Please understand that our team is very sorry for your loss, and our condolences go out to you, your daughter, and the Paris family. However, we would advise that you stop your search. This is evidence tampering. We wouldn't want to make any unnecessary arrests.


"what the hell? evidence tampering? that doesn't make any kind of sense!"
*slams paper on desk*

"why did i have to get him involved in this. now, they'll be watching us like a hawk."

*plays with chin*
"how would they even know what he's been up to? unless they really are watching us. but why?"

*door slowly opens*

*looks up*

"hey, kiddo."

"jesus, dad, where have you been?"

"library. are you alright?"

*stands up*
"i read this letter."
*points at the letter on desk*

"yeah. that's the reason why i was at the library. something serious is going on, prudence."

"i know! it's like--"

"i want you to stay out of this. let me handle it. you go to school and pretend everything is alright."

"but everything isn't okay, dad! plus, i already got beth involved."

*places head in palm*
"why would you do such a thing? just tell her to forget everything you told her. i don't need you kids getting into trouble."

"but dad!"

"please, prudence."

*storms out*

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