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"i contacted your dad about your progress. he's very impressed"

*checks phone*

"is there something bothering you, miss valentine?"

"no. why do you ask?"

"you're constantly checking your phone. do you have somewhere to be?"

"sorry, i'm just on this popular social network called, "imate". all the kids at my school are on it"

"isn't that a dating site?"

*bites bottom lip*
"um.. something along the lines, yes"


*watches him*

"you've talked to anyone recently on the site?"

"what are you doing?"

"i'm just asking. it's important for me to know if you started moving on"

*sits up*
"but why?"

"you were placed in therapy because you suffered from depression due to the death of your boyfriend.if you moved on, your time here will be cut eventually"

"so you're telling me, if i meet someone then i don't have to come back here?"

*raises eyebrow*
"don't think of it as a way out of here. i have to know for sure that you're mentally stable. that you won't harm yourself or go crazy"

"i'm not a nut case"

"i didn't say that"
*takes a sip of water*
"answer this for me. what was the reason why you stayed completely silence for three months?"


*takes a deep breath*

"denial, i guess? i was trying to come up with every little reason to why he would just end his life. i knew he wasn't depressed or anything. it took me three months to realize something happened that night before his death, and i want to know what"

"can you elaborate?"

"will you tell the cops?"

*leans forward*
"one, everything you say in here is completely confidential. two, what exactly are you planning? i hope you don't get yourself in any trouble"

"i just want to know what the cops know about dakota the morning they supposedly found him dead"

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