Paris Residence

16 0 0

"prudence! it's so good to see you dear"
*gives a huge hug*
"come in, come in"

*walks in*

*looks around*
"wow! you redecorated your living room?"

"wanted to spice things up. i also remodeled the upstairs bathroom. i used some of my retirement funds. what do you think?"

"retirement? you left the office? why?"

"i'm getting old, dear"

"42 isn't old, mrs. paris. what will say when he returns from iraq?"

"honestly, i don't know, but i hope he respects my decision. so, what brings you over here?"

"i just wanted to see how you were doing"

"obviously fine. do you see my living room?"

"it does look pretty nice"

"thanks, sweetie. i may do the kitchen next. how about you check the bathroom upstairs, tell me what you think and i'll go make us some tuna salad."

"sounds great, thank you"

*heads towards kitchen*

*walks upstairs*

*enters bathroom*
"she wasn't kidding. i wish dad would do some remodeling in that old house"
*exits bathroom*

*looks forward*

*pauses for a moment*


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