Chapter 18

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Severus Pov

I was in the playroom watching the boys play with their toys. They had just come in about an hour ago and now are relaxing. Hunter was at the table coloring a picture and Draco was playing with his dragons next to Hunter. 

I have noticed that Draco will never leave Hunter's side no matter what. They have to share the same room and everything. When Hunter has his hards time Draco is there with him. I love that the boys are close now and are taking like twins. I am just worried about how they feel when I tell them about me with baby or babies. I just hope Hunter takes it well. 

I mean I know Draco wants more brothers and sisters but I do not know about Hunter will feel about it. Then Tom came into the room and sat next to me on the couch. He looked at the boys and smiled. I know he loved the boys with all his heart. 

"You need to tell the boys why you have been getting sick so much and sleeping a lot more. Harry came into Lucius and my office telling him that you got sick. They need to know Sev," Tom said looking at me and then at the boys. 

"I'm just scared how Hunter will react to it. I know how he is when he as his attacks him as. Plus his doctors said that this might be too much stress for him right now. I don't know what to do," I said looking at Tom. 

"Sev, you cant worried about that. You know he was me, Lucius, Remus, Sirius, and Draco now. He can handle this ok. He is getting better at everything," Tom said. 

"Daddy, look at the pictures I draw and color," Hunter said running to me and Tom me and showed us what he draws. 

I picked him up and kissed his head. "I am so proud of you Hunter. These are so good," I said looking in his eyes. 

"Weally?" Hunter asked looking at me with his big doe eyes. 

"Yes my little Hunter. Now do you need to use the potty?" I asked looking at him then Draco. Draco shook his head no for him not asking in a while. Which tells me  he used his pull up. 

Hunter went red in the face and burried his face in my neck. I rubbed his back to help calm him down. I know this is hard on him and getting over the mind set that we are not mad at him when he uses his pulling to do to the bathroom. "I did not mean to daddy," Hunter said in my neck. 

"I know baby but you did to tell Dray or someone when you need to go. You cant just hold it any more. Remember what Dr.  M said about this is a new life and new partents," I said near Hunter ear. 

Hunter nodded his head and then I looked at Tom who gave me the look talk to the boys. But I do not to tell the boys yet. Its only been seven weeks and I could still use them. I dont want to get the boys hopes up if they were are looking forward to having a another brother or sister. 

"Daddy, why are you getting sick?" Hunter asked once he calmed down. 

"Im fine baby. I just been having a upset stomach lately. I will be fine baby. Now go take Draco to the bathroom with you and get a new pull up ok. I will be in there soon ok," I said kissing Hunter forehead and putting him back on the ground. I watch him go to Draco and then go to the bathroom. 

"So why did you not tell them now Sev? This was the perfect time to do that," Tom asked looking at me. 

"I am only seven weeks. I still have five more weeks until my first trimester. I could still lose the baby in that time. Do you not remember many miscaries I had before Draco was born. I had two and I did not want that to happen to this one before I tell the boys," I said looking at Tom with tears in my eyes. 

Tom pulled me into his chest as I cried. I never really taked about the two babies that I lost. Thats why I am scared to talk to the boys. I am scared that this will happen agian. But so far that as not happen and it will not happen. I want baby or babies to be safe and healthy and I will do anything to make that happen. I will make sure 

Time skip to a year

I gave birth to my twin girls about two months ago. Hunter and Draco have loved them so much. They have even help us out with them. They love to watch to sleep and playing with them. Hunter as gotten better too. He is finally fully potty train and is dealing with school better too. 

I also love living here. Its much more calmer and relax. We love how the boys have friends and everyting. But we did not know that the Krums also moved here about three years ago. They have a boy around Hunter and Draco age named Nikolay. But Hunter likes hanging out with the Anastsiy and Nayden second eldest son Victor who is eleven years old. 

My twins girls look more like me this time around. They have dark brown to black hair. They have brown eyes and my nose. But you can tell that Lucius is in there too. They have his mouth and his cheek bones. They were beautful girls and so well behave for two months olds.  The oldest one was named Rosetta Jane Lilly Snape-Malfoy and she was five minites older then Rachel Riley Snape-Maloy. 

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