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(No One's POV)

Announcer: "The next round is Vegeta vs Hit!"

Vegeta: "Gimme a damn break!!"

Y/N: "Ha!"

Vegeta, who was still in Super Saiyan Blue, got into his stance, staring down his opponent. Hit, kept his hands in his pockets, staring right back at Vegeta.

Vegeta: "Are you mocking me?! Take your hands out of your pockets!"

Hit: "There's no need."

Announcer: "BEGIN!!"

Hit: "This match was over before it even began."

Hit was suddenly in front of Vegeta, punching him in the gut.

Vegeta: "G-GAAGH!!"

Vegeta fell to the ground, unconscious.

Announcer: "Hit wins!!"

Y/N: "I didn't even see him move..."

Shallot: "Me neither..."

Gotin: "If neither of you saw him... Then he's gotta be REALLY fast..."

Announcer: "The next fight is Goku vs Hit!!"

Goku jumped down to the arena, turning Super Saiyan Blue and staring down his opponent. Hit took his hands out of his pockets, staring right back at Goku like he did Vegeta.

Goku: "You seem really fast..."

Hit: "..."

Announcer: "BEGIN!!"

Goku charged at Hit, he was gonna go for a punch, but, almost as if Hit knew what Goku's move would be (which he did), he reached out his fist, giving Goku a knuckle to the neck the very moment Goku drew his arm back for a punch.

Goku: "G-GAAGGHH!"

Goku spit up saliva as he was knocked back from the hit.

Goku: "I-It's like he knew exactly what my next move was..."

Goku charged again, though, the same thing happened again. Just as Goku drew back his fist, Hit gave him punch right in the gut, again, causing him to be knocked back and spit up saliva.

Goku: "How... How did he..."

Hit: "There's no point in fighting... Just give up."

Goku: "Hehe... Not... Gonna happen..."

Goku charged yet again, though, this time when Goku drew his fist back, he vanished, leaving Hit punching where Goku's chest would have been if he was there. This gave Goku an opening to kick Hit right in the side of the face, which is exactly what happened.

Goku: "That's not gonna work anymore!!"

Hit was knocked back a bit from the kick.

Hit: "H-how did you beat my timeskip?"

Goku: "Well I'm not gonna tell you that! Because then you could counter it!"

Hit: "Hm... Guess I'll just improve."

Hit then began to do what looked like powering up, though, his power didn't actually increase once he had finished.

Goku: "Hey what was that about? Your power didn't actually go up..."

Hit: "That wasn't the point."

Goku: "Hmmm..."

Goku's aura flared, before he vanished and reappeared I front of hit, drawing his hand back for a punch, before vanishing and reappearing beside Hit, though, this time, Hit kicked Goku the very moment he reappeared.

Goku: "S-so it's not gonna work..."

Goku stumbled backwards, going for another punch, though it still didn't work, as Hit had already punched Goku in the gut, HARD, causing Goku to spit out blood.

Goku: "GAAGH!"

Before Goku could even plan his next move, Hit had already chopped at his kneck, knocking him unconscious.

Y/N: "Hmmm..."

Shallot: "I can't track his moves at all."

Y/N: "Me neither..."

Announcer: "The next fight is Shallot vs Hit!!"

Shallot jumped down to the ring, immediately powering up to Super Saiyan Blue, while Hit put his hands back in his pockets.

Announcer: "BEGIN!!"

Before Shallot could even think about making a move, Bit had already punched him in the gut, though, he didn't stop with just one punch. He began to hit shallot with a large barrage of punches.

Shallot: "GAGGHH!!"

Shallot was knocked back, before being forced to revert back to base form, right before receiving a chop to the neck from hit, knocking him unconscious.

Announcer: "Hit wins!!"

Y/N: "Hmmm..."

Announcer: "The next fight is Y/N vs Hit!!"

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