Chapter 4: Really now?

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'Good luck everyone.' A few minutes ago-

As I walk over to the vending machine to get the drinks the Bakusquad want slash ordered, I hear a mocking laugh behind me. But, it isn't Bakugo-san's laugh. It's a bit different.

"My, my. A Class A student, great. I just went here to get a drink and now I'm met with utter embarrassment. How disgusting, I thought you Class A students wouldn't need to buy from vending machines because you would have your own in your classroom but-" Blond boy got cut off by Bakugo-san.

He shoved blondie out of the way and took the drinks from me. "Don't talk to her again." Bakugo-san threatened, a menacing air around him. He then slowly turned to me. "He's bad news. You were taking long so I came to check up on you." He told me in a low voice, as if hesitant, or maybe because he's shoving down something inside of him. Perhaps it's feelings?

I smiled while giggling, nodded my head, then walked beside him.

- Present Time -

Preliminary Event: Cavalry Battle.

My thoughts get interrupted as the buzzer rings loudly yet another time, a new stage opens in front of us. The crowd then rushes out, I use my quirk to materialize the light and hover over them all. The students gasp as a thick layer of ice traps their feet, inevitably giving me and a few others the advantage.

Flying over all of them, I make my way out of the tunnel only to be greeted by robots. The first obstacle: Robo inferno. Unfamiliar to me but clearly, from the looks of the students, they've seen it before. I am a transferee after all.

"Here goes nothing." I mumble, a sigh leaving my lips. Directing a large concentrated energy to one of the big robots, light shoots out from my palms burning the robot in the chest, making a big hole.

The people in the crowd become a white noise as I focus. Present Mic sensei compliments Shota sensei about us, and being Shota sensei, he humbles his way out of it by saying "They did that on their own."

Going past the robots, I hover away again, the air bracing my face making my long ponytail fly back as the few leaves brush past my skin. The heat of the morning sun feels like nothing as my quirk is heat related, my eyes glint with accomplishment as I reach the second challenge.

The second obstacle: The Fall.

I smile, burning a few logs, it takes a bit of my energy but it's worth it, the look on the contestants face when they find out my brilliant plan. The logs wobble, I quickly steady them as I hover at full speed to the end. Unfortunately, the others catch up as I am half way through it, with Mei Hatsume first behind me.

The others beam with excitement while the other half of the people, feel provoked. Sighing, I go faster, but the time I distracted myself, Todoroki-san and Bakugo-san caught up to me.

"You won't win that easily Muranaka-san." Todoroki taunts me, following me in pursuit. His ice catches up to me with skilled speed.

Bakugo-san scoffs. "You think you will, half and half?" Bakugo-san growls, his explosions blocking out any noise. A ringing sound buzzes loudly in my ear making me wince. I accidentally fall back, unintentionally letting them go ahead, Bakugo-san makes a confused 'hah!?' sound.

I hit a body, colliding with many others. "Oof-" I complain in pain, blood dripping from my forehead from hitting one of the logs, suddenly, all the logs I burned in the middle fall, stumbling like dominoes. "Oh shi-" I don't get to finish my sentence as I see the other students falling into the pit.

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