Chapter 8: Astral in action.

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Cheerfully waking up, I get ready for hero training, the only part of the day where most of us have enough energy to be excited. But, for me it's just a chance to train more so I can have a better life without my parents' money, and without my sister's support, which is not a lot.

As I walk to the dining hall, I accidentally bump into a girl making me squeak in shock, she's wearing the hotel staff uniform and she looks around my age, maybe a year younger, I admire her cute blue hair and her shy demeanor.

She looks surprised, I don't know what for, then she speaks in a soft voice. "Oh no, I'm so sorry!" The girl apologizes quickly, wiping my shirt with a table napkin since she spilled broth on me.

Chuckling, I gently stop her. "It's alright. It isn't the end of the world if I'm wearing a wet shirt." I reassure, taking a tissue and wiping it myself.

-Time Skip-

"Oi Denki, have you seen my phone? Shota sensei said I should text her 'cause she texted him." I ask in a whisper, adding the last part in an embarrassed tone.

Katsuki turns around with a smirk, a knowing gaze burning into mine. "Oh?" He mouths, a noise coming out. "You're still a child, have your sister texting sensei. Wait a minute, which 'she', Rin-san or Mizuki-san?"

He makes me forget that I introduced him to them after the letter incident. "Rin-chan. She's the one who's worrying over it, I don't think nee-chan has a clear mind yet. She's still sick." I reply, looking to the side to hide my face. "Anyways, have you seen my phone?" I ask again.

"Did you check in your room?"

"Do you think I would've asked if I haven't?"

"Well I'm sorry for trying to help."

"Well apology accepted." I tease, standing closer to him, close enough for me to feel his breath. My phone rings in my pocket, the sound bringing vibrations from my front pocket.

Katsuki sighs. "Is that your phone?" He asks, pointing to where the sound is coming from. I nod shyly, "You really are a smartass."

Answering the phone call, I exit the room. "Rin-chan?"

"Hey, was just checking up on you. Are you okay?" She greets, worriedly asking me questions.

"Oh, I'm great. Just lost a match yesterday, I'll do better today though. How about you and nee-chan? Is she okay?" I reply, getting lost in a series of hallways.

Rin-chan laughs. "She's great, Mizu's been walking around, getting used to it again. Maybe after you come home we could go on a family dinner, and invite Denki over, maybe even that Ashido-san you've been talking about." Rin-chan suggests making me gladly accept.

After hanging up, I look around.

"Shit, I'm lost again." I warily say as I hear wailing.

A voice echoes in my head, cries erupting in my ears. "Help me! Please! Is anyone there?" A child's voice begs from the room on my right.

I cautiously step closer, the echoing suggests it's a spirit talking to me. As I open the door, a figure of a small girl rises up from the corner, she suddenly morphs into a horned black silhouette with wings, a tail swaying side to side.

"I'm such a dumbass." I whisper, slowly backing up to the door, still having my eyes on the silhouette. "I never learn. Even after all the times I've been tricked by a bad spirit, I still waltz in here like a dumb fucking ass." I mentally scold myself.

But as I feel like I'm close to the door, all I feel behind me are soft feathers... I notice the silhouette is gone, now, just a white wall.

"Why won't you help me!" The girl's voice is mixed with a low growling one, almost seemingly demonic like-

The thing touches me leaving a red mark as it recoils in pain. "Let me help you." I persuade in a soft tone, low and hushed. I activate my astral quirk letting my hair glow in the dark room, the thing screeches at the sight of the blue light from my quirk.

The sound makes my ears bleed, it's so deafeningly loud.

Hissing in pain, I dart at it, my hand still glowing, I try to communicate with it since I can't make it move on if it's not willing.

The thing goes back to the form of a girl, she's curled up into a ball up against the wall, she's crying quietly.

"It's ok. I won't hurt you, I can help you." I coo, walking closer to the girl. As I approach her, she stops crying and looks at me. "What's your name?"

"Manon, Kaori-san."

"Well Manon, I need you to tell me why you're here exactly."

"I've been here for eleven years now, It's only because I got fooled by a tall old man. He kidnapped me, he had blue hair, green eyes, and he had a small girl with her. He killed me because he got the wrong girl, he was actually supposed to kidnap my bestfriend but he got arrested earlier." She explains, showing me her wound on her stomach.

"What is your unfinished business them?" I ask, holding her shoulder in a comforting way.

Manon looks at me in happiness. "I just need to know if the little girl before is still okay and I'll go in peace."

-Time Skip-

After my dumb thoughts, trying to find out who the little girl is, and researching about the old man, I finally come to the conclusion that it's the girl I bumped into earlier.

"Ochako, can you help me look for a girl, she's a bit young looking, she has blue hair, she's shy, very apologetic, and she's a manager." I report to Ochako, looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Of course I'll help, Muranaka-chan!"

And we're off, walking from floor to floor, asking the hotel clerk and a few hotel staff, checking the garden, not in the pool, we looked in the kitchen, we even snuck in the 'ONLY EMPLOYEES' room but she was nowhere to be found.

So we sit in the lobby, frustrated faces, tired legs, and hungry stomachs.  "Do you have a shirt, I stained mine cuz I bumped into the girl earlier."

"What stain?" Ochako asks, looking at my shirt. I look down and see no stain indeed.

Something in my mind clicks and flashes of the articles I read come back to mind. "I'm so fucking dumb. The girl's a ghost." I say.

Ochako looks at me. "Ghost?"

"Yeah, ghost. She seemed surprised earlier, and now I know why, it's because I saw her when no one did. There's no stain because that was just probably ghost juice or something." I respond, piecing things together. "In the article I read, it said that there was another dead body found, it was her wearing the same hotel manager uniform." I add, making sense of the matter.

"Then... you'll have to tell the little girl that she died with her." Ochako sadly reminds.

I nod, sighing.

This day is done and dead.

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