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'Can we be friends again?'

'Obviously we can! '

Jimin and Jungkook went to bed cuddling each other.

(Time skip: After 3 days)

It was the day for their return. The return hadn't been fun. All were in their cozy little seats engrossed in social media or drooling over the adjacent or dozing off.

Only 4 days were left for the wedding.

'Finally . HOME!' Hobi jumped on the couch.

'WEDDING'S ARRIVING! ' that's all Lisa could think of.

'We should take rest first. I will cook Ramen for you all.' Jin strolled to the kitchen.

They devoured the Ramen and went back to their respective rooms.

'Tae!' Jungkook knocked and entered Tae's room looking nervous.

'Kook! Umm did you leave something? ' Tae raised his eyebrows.

'No. Er- I wanted to-'

Taehyung made junkook sit on the bed with himself. Jungkook gulped.


'I wanted to propose-'

'Jimin. ' Tae assumed before Jungkook could even complete.

Taehyung sighed. His world had fallen apart. Finally his baby brother kookie had grown up. He should have known from the very beginning that he didn't stand a chance. He never did. He was such a fool wasn't he ? Dreaming about rings and flowers and veils and beds and even Graves beside. Till Death? He didn't even get to live and he had been thinking of death. 'Perish together' and 'happily ever after' only happened in fairy tales. Taehyung had dreamt of his own fairy tale. The tale that revolved around Jimin. He should be happy right now. Shouldn't he. His kook wasn't shy anymore... he was taking a step. He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.

'No Tae not-'

Tae walked to the corner of the room and took out a velvet box from a bag . He brushed away the petals of the dried spirea which had stuck on to the box and handed it to Jungkook.

'There you go!... take this. Make a good speech like jooni hyung okay? But don't read it out and even if you do don't be emotionless . Just let it out from your heart. All the best. I am there for any suggestions brother. ' Taehyung winked.

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but didn't. He just nodded ,took the box and left the room without a word.

(Time skip: in the evening. That day itself)

Taehyung didn't come down for lunch . He didn't even leave his room. Lisa had gone to check on him but he had just send her back with the lunch. Jimin was worried. He had noticed that Taehyung had been acting strange since Jungkook had visited him.

'I will take his dinner. Give it to me!'

'Jimin but-' Jungkook resisted.

'Its okay. I will go and check on him.'

Jimin walked over to his room and knocked. Oh it was opened? Was Taehyung okay? He walked in and found Taehyung asleep. Tae asleep at this hour? Since When did he start taking classes from yoongi? He kept the dinner on the table and walked over to him. He was burning up. He had fever.

'Hey Taetae!... taetae?'

'Mm?' Taehyung could barely speak. He groaned lifting up his head.

'Get up Taehyung... you r burning up ... its not going to get any better here.'


'KIM TAEHYUNG are you listening to me?'

'.... jimin?'

'...... why didn't you tell me. Lets go have a bath. Then we can make you some soup okay? Come on. Get up.'

Jimin sponged him with luke warm water and gave him some light clothes to change in. He wrapped a blanket around Tae and and made him rest his head on his lap.

'Chimmy?.... ' Taehyung was in pain. He was tearing up.

'I am right here.'

'Don't leave me chimm... please!' Tae spoke in his daze.

'Its okay. It's going to be okay. Yoongi hyung is getting medicines for you. '

'Please make the pain go away. Please!'

Jimin was trying his best to comfort Taehyung. He couldn't watch him struggling with excruciating pain. Taehyung had high fever. Jimin could understand that this wasn't getting better any sooner.

'Its okay ... take deep breaths.'
Tae was weeping... he was having an immense headache and his body was numb. But all he could think of was that jimin was with him. Taking care of him. Jimin still loved him. Maybe he didn't loose him after all.

'Jimin? ' Taehyung barely let out a whisper.


'You won't go away right? It's real. You are real. Or am i dreaming? '

'Shh...its real... nobody is going anywhere... sleep. Am here as long as you want.'

All Taehyung could say was. 'My chimmy.' And he passed out.

(Sorry 😔 for all the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes... if any)

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