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This part was requested by Iwearsweats and I will happily take it and write the part. Lines are also inspired from him because I took notes of his suggested lines. If you read the story he made, New Gem of Hearts, you will see some nods to the story within the AU series. 

NGoH Moonlight puts the original Moonlight to shame but that's okay. So seeing the original Moonlight say some things that NGoH said would help make Original Moonlight even better. To give credit 100%, I will write NGoH next to the round numbers so you will know which line was inspired from Iwearsweats. While the lines he gave me are very good, they also wouldn't make sense in the AU timeline, so I had to reword them a bit (I'm so sorry for ruining your masterpiece, hopefully, it's still good).



Moonlight vs Steven: 

Round 1: 

(Moonlight) Hey, Steven, I got something on my teeth. Can you tell me what's on it?

(Steven) That's blood... my blood... stained...

(Moonlight) Oh, it is? (licks teeth) I want more~

Round 2: 

(Moonlight) You and I aren't so different, Steven.

(Steven) I beg to differ.

(Moonlight) We both fight for what's right, we're just on different ends of the spectrum. 

Round 3 [NGoH]:

(Moonlight) (sniffles) You don't love me anymore?

(Steven) I never loved you.

(Moonlight) (yells) DIE!

Round 4 [NGoH]: 

(Moonlight) I broke you in half, you still think you can fight?

(Steven) Yes, and I will break you in half.

(Moonlight) Oh, please do!

Round 5 [NGoH, heavy spoilers to AU Story]:

(Moonlight) We had such fun in the Palace, remember?

(Steven) You made me shatter White Diamond.

(Moonlight) She was just in the way, darling.

Round 6: 

(Moonlight) I bet no one has touched you in a way I have.

(Steven) ...

(Moonlight) I'll take that as a yes.

Round 7:

(Moonlight) What's that on your neck?

(Steven) You know what it is...

(Moonlight) Oh, right! That's my teeth marks.

Round 8: 

(Moonlight) I marked you, which means you're mine~

(Steven) I don't belong to you!

(Moonlight) You do now~

Round 9 [NGoH]:

(Moonlight) You said WHAT?!

(Steven) I want a divorce from you. On terms of stalking me.

Steven Universe AU Character BanterWhere stories live. Discover now