Tom & Jerry [MulitVersus]

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In case you haven't seen the trailer or beta gameplay, MultiVersus is, like, a huge crossover where characters from other universes can collide with others. Like, Batman in Steven Universe, Steven Universe in Scooby Doo. Bug Bunny in Tom & Jerry, etc. And it does this without any explanation, other than they have to fight each other.

So, in a way, this means characters from other Warner Bros. and/or DC content could waltz into my AU series and be 'fine.' I want to make this clear, MultiVersus is not canon to the AU series, not because I want to be a jerk, it's because other characters wouldn't fit in the series, as well as they could potentially ruin what story I have (Not to mention that Huge Gigantacus specifically stays away from Earth to avoid them). This is all non-canon, so don't expect to see Tom & Jerry in the AU series (and any other character from MultiVersus if I add them here), because this is meant for fun and creative purposes, and to make Rose happy because she loves Tom & Jerry.

Now, this is going to be tricky because Tom & Jerry don't speak, they're silent (that's kinda their whole gimmick). As well as there're two characters instead of one (MultiVersus has both Tom & Jerry as one character for some reason). So, how I will tackle this is to have Tom and Jerry be separate characters (so I'm writing two banters in one part) and use emojis (mostly hand emojis) and language in the example for them to communicate:


(Tom) (signs for you to back off)

(Jerry) (signs for you to go away)

You will never see me using emojis again, or not for another few years or so. And Tom and Jerry won't have special powers and dialogue like everyone else, because they're mutes and they don't have powers. And I'm sorry if most characters get two rounds, it's so hard to write how Tom and Jerry would respond to certain characters.

Tom vs Steven:

Round 1:

(Tom) 👋

(Steven) Who are you?

(Tom) (holds a sign that says "Hi, I'm Tom")

Round 2:

(Tom) (signs for Steven to not act aggressively)

(Steven) As long as you don't treat me badly, I will not be hostile.

(Tom) 👍

Jerry vs Steven:

Round 1:

(Jerry) 👋

(Steven) A mouse?

(Jerry) (nods)

Round 2:

(Jerry) (offers a handshake for peace)

(Steven) (shakes hand with his pinky)

(Jerry) (shakes)

Tom vs Pearl:

Round 1:

(Tom) (holds a sign that says "are you a bird?")

(Pearl) It's my nose, isn't it?

(Tom) (nods while smiling)

Round 2:

Steven Universe AU Character BanterWhere stories live. Discover now