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So, something I want to implement into this little side story is taunts each character can do. Like how the entire thing is inspired off of Mortal Kombat and Injustice games, something else is inspired from a different game and it's taunts. This is inspired from Batman Arkham series where in Batman Arkham City and Origins, whenever you start the challenge maps, the character you play as will say something to taunt the enemies. 

And they do a physical gesture as well. So, this is what the four characters are going to do. And I plan to add this for any upcoming characters, you can also request characters that are within the AU series in this story. 

Here we go. 

Steven Universe: 


1: Pops his knuckles and straighten his jacket. 

2: Adjusts his jacket and shoulders. 

3: Readjusts his posture and gets in a stance. 



(Steven) Let's get this over with. 


(Steven) There's still time to talk this out. 


(Steven) Don't make me put effort into this. 


(Steven) This will end quickly. 


(Steven) I pity for what I'm going to do to you. 



1: Licks her teeth and smiles, revealing bloodstains on her teeth. 

2: Observes her nails and eyes her opponent. 

3: Opens and clamps her jaws shut, making a loud sound. 

4: Runs hand through hair to fluff her hair. 



(Moonlight) Aw, you think you have a chance against me? 


(Moonlight) Listen, child, I fought the Diamonds and almost won, had they hadn't fought dirty. What makes you think you'll beat me? 


(Moonlight) I've fought bigger enemies than you, and they were easy. 


(Moonlight) Sorry, dear, but you're going down. 


(Moonlight) Do me a favor and just walk away, and I'll spare you. 

Rose The Flower: 


1: Teleports in the area.

2: Twirls wand and observes her opponents. 

3: Checks her cape and spins. 



(Rose) Dear, can we just settle this over a cup of tea? 


(Rose) Did you know there's thirteen ways this ends horribly for you?


(Rose) Please, let's be diplomatic about this. 


(Rose) I had to stop Mulan for this?! Oh, for the love of God... 


(Rose) Can't we just have a beauty session instead? 

Phoebe Fitzgerald: 


1: Yoga pose. 

2: Ballet pose. 

3: Stretches her arms. 



(Phoebe) (yawns) I'm feeling a little tired. Maybe I'll show some mercy. 


(Phoebe) You wouldn't hit a lady, would you? 


(Phoebe) Maybe you should just run and hide. 


(Phoebe) Can we hurry this up? Steven is going to lose his mind when he realizes I'm fighting someone. 


(Phoebe) I used to fear death, but after my resurrection, death feels nothing to me. 


Steven Universe AU Character BanterWhere stories live. Discover now