Howard Long

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This was written by my friend, Howard. So, expect some internet memes and stuff like that. And you will find his favorite internet idol, the Crazy Scotsman. 

He also made a lot grammar errors, so I had to fix them before publishing this. 









1: Raises fists and jumps up and down. 

2: Puts on Scottish hat. 

3: Drinks Irn Bru.



(Howard) Don't fuck with me! I have the power of God and anime on my side! AHHH--


(Howard) [Scottish accent] RIGHT YOU WEE BASTARDS! IT'S TIME TO FIGHT! 


(Howard) Alright, let's do this. 

Howard vs Steven: 

Round 1:

(Howard) Aw, man. Do I have to spar? 

(Steven) You wanted to train. 

(Howard) Yeah, but with you is like asking to be beaten up for free. 

Round 2:

(Howard) [Scottish accent] Hey, laddie! Do ye have some Irn Bru? 

(Steven) No, I don't.

(Howard) [Scottish accent] Such a shame. I'm gonna kick your ass. 

Round 3:

(Howard) Can I skip today's session? 

(Steven) You asked for a weekly session, and I will follow my end of the deal.

(Howard) I didn't think you'd be intense with this. 

Howard vs Pearl: 

Round 1:

(Howard) Maybe I got a chance in fighting you. You as skinny as me. 

(Pearl) Not a chance. I'm more elegant than you. 

(Howard) Maybe. But let's see who fights better. 

Round 2: 

(Howard) [Scottish accent] En Garde, lassie!

(Pearl) If you insist. [Draws sword]

(Howard) [Scottish accent] LET'S GO! 

Howard vs Garnet:

Round 1:

(Howard) The 'symbol of love.' You make me wanna puke sometimes. 

(Garnet) Is it because you're just mad that you're single? 

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