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Part five

It's been months now since I had those dreams and I thought it was just a product of my imagination however, why is it him? Do I missed him so much that I keep dreaming of him? Every night, another dream occurs and it's on a different time line, this time I was in a throne room with him sitting on his throne. We are having a slight argument but the councils came in and they start providing their feedbacks about projects and wars. In this time, I am sitting to the Empress throne and it seems like I am the empress in this timeline. I'm quiet for the whole time and as the meeting adjourned they all left, except me and the king.

I don't know, which memory is this and why am I with Drew? Why am I his Queen? And why are we in a different era? Mostly dreams occurs on the same timeline that you are in, and why does this dream has continuation? There's no dreams like this. I am getting stressed thinking those strange dreams and I keep thinking about him. This is not right. I think I need to focus my studies now. I have enrolled to a university and I am sharing my room with my new dorm mate, Linda. Linda is energetic and talkative, she can talk whole day and she never runs out of topic. I know that she is excited to share her days with me but I'm exhausted by her enthusiasm. I need some time alone, so I made some excuse in going to a library and enjoy reading books.

I'm still working in the club and it's running smoothly and due to some extra tips, I am able to have savings for my school. They are being supportive and Lucy keeps sending me some food deliveries and fashion bags, she quoted "You have to look fancy at your school so no one bullies you and meet friends". I feel so moved by the things they've done to me, they also help me with my projects, Seven has been a good mentor to me and Lucy, surprisingly are good at math. 

"Anya, I have some takeaways here, come and have some dinner" Linda just got in, in our room and place the food on the table. "You never gone out, it's Friday! you should enjoy some time to relax you know"

"I am relaxed right now" sometimes I don't understand why they need to go out to relax or unwind. Sure I like going out but not hanging out with crowds, by the thought of it makes me dizzy. 

"Now is the time to hang out some other people and possibly meet the one" she holds her hand like she has met her Prince Charming

"I'm more interested with food" I soon grab the container and eat the quesadilla she brought

"You'll get fatter if you think about food" she frowns "Look at you, you are beautiful though you are not good in choosing clothes, aren't ya?" she scans my outfit of the day. I only wear black shirt and dark gray pants. "You always wear black, as if your mourning everyday" 

"But I like wearing dark color, less hassle when you clean them and it's simple" 

"Yeah, I understand you like those colors" she then scan her closet "what I'm trying to say, you keep wearing sweater, shirts and you only have one dress. It's time for us to change your wardrobe you know" 


"sush! my treat!" she then wrap her arms around me " I couldn't bear to see my friend who lives like a spinster in her mid twenties!"


My arms is aching right now, I have been following Linda holding these bags of clothes and shoes, she grabs some dresses that I don't usually wear but she shuts me off, telling me that I need to get out from my comfort zone. The time she let's me wear the blouse and a skirt, she exclaim telling me that I have a nice proportions. I should be wearing more tight jeans and dress. Every time I went to mall and purchase some clothes, I just grab something I like and leave. I don't usually stay, I don't like walking around it's exhausting. Gladly, Linda knows me by looking at my expression and told me that we will be going to a nearby café and have some afternoon snacks. 

I place the bags on the floor and exhaustingly lay on the couch, I did not place my order but I know Linda knows what I want. She came back with a slice of  strawberry cake, banana cake, a caramel macchiato and my favorite the Ice coffee. 

"I got your favorites" she smugly place my food on the table "By the way, I heard some of the men in Engineer department, someone is interested to know you" 

"Oh.. maybe it's just a prank" 

"really? I heard Mark is a serious guy, he said that he wants to pursue you" 

"I never seen him" I don't have thoughts of having a relationship, sometimes they can be troublesome though I like the thought of having someone you can be intimate with.

" Then don't just miss the chance to meet someone though" she smiles " He is quite popular in school"

"I don't understand why he is interested in me when I don't even meet him" 

"Well love moves in mysterious ways" she then wink wink at me. 


After a few months, I give in to have some relationship with Mark, the time that we talk , it was smooth sailing, I finally understood of the feeling that someone loves and understand you. He is being kind and he is a smooth talker. although there are times that he is being controlling which I don't like. We have been in a relationship for almost six months now. Every time he made a move on kissing or leading me to have sex with him, I stop him. It's just that I don't like him, I don't feel right and I don't want to hurt his feelings so I let him kiss me and touch me. When I stop him, he just laugh and look so mad. He left and never tell me anything. I think he thought of me for being prude, with my age I should be doing stuff like this but I don't feel it's right though.

I trust him though, I told him about my mother and about my father who is being absent for my whole life and he has been understanding to my situation. He help me whenever I visit at the hospital and I appreciate it. He is being sweet and kind. As the day passes, he change although it's little but the way he talks to me, he is saying things that it's my fault and he is hard to please. By the time that I can't bear his attitude towards me, I ask him what else should I do so that he will not get mad at me, he ask me to have sex with him and he will forgive me. That is the end of the line, I don't like how immature he can be, I want to save our relationship because I know deep in my heart that I like him and I like our dynamics but he just casually say that like that he is being after with me. I break up with him that day and never talk to him. He keeps on calling me but I block him. 

"Anya" Linda got inside our room " I heard what happened to you and Mark"

"It's alright Linda" I look at her with tears in my eyes "I'll be fine" 

" No you're not sweetie" Linda embrace me and console me. She has been a good person to me and always there to cheer me up. She has been a number one fan of our relationship but things did not work out for me and Mark. 

To be Continued....

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