Chapter 1 : Shattered Hearts

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" Hey you all can actually enjoy your time and spend time with eachother because we just have to shoot the epilogue scene nothing else so this will be your last shoot together " David yates said entering the room in which all the other actors were sitting in

" David I thought you were so strict " Matthew lewis joked fake gasping 

" Matthew Lewis if you don't want that its okay you can you know help them clean the set " David said pointing to the boy who was cleaning the set " I think you'll enjoy the work you know helping youlove helping isn't it " David said grinning jokily and everybody broke down into a fit of laughter 

Matthew glared at everyone before breking down into laughter like everyone else

" Okay let's say about our feeling throught this journey of Harry Potter filming okay ?? " Emma suggested in her usual bossy voice which makes everyone nod

" Okay I'll go first Because I played the leading role of Harry himself " Dan said getting up and everyone nodded turning their attention to him

" Umm Wel- " Daniel was cut off by Jamie Campbell Bower asking him to wait for a minute

Jamie Campbell Bower the actor who played Gellert Gridelwald in the last Harry Potter film the one who is dating Bonnie Wright ight now and the one who is Daniel Radcliffe's enemy

Well Daniel doesn't show that he doesn't like Bonnie dating someone other than him but he was the one who didn't ask her out first

" Sorry Daniel but I have an announcement to make " Jamie said pulling all the attntion from Daniel to him , Daniel just nodded sitting down in his place but he was fuming in the inside

" okay umm everybody are well aware of the fact that Bonnie and I ae dating isn't it " He said looking nervous but everyone nodded not noticing his nervousness

" Bonnie Wright I love you fromthe moment I first saw you and I will love you till the end of my life and actually I'm not a verry romantic person so I haven't prepared anything at all so I'll go to the thing Will you marry me ?? " Jamie asked getting on one knee and revealing a beautiful diamond ring

" yes of course " Bonnie said smiling genuinely while Jamie slid the ring in her finger and kissed her right on the lips passionately and Bonnie kissed back

everyone in the set clapped and cheered for the couple while the phelps twins wolf whistled , the thing Fred & George would do if Harry proposed Ginny

Daniel's heart shattered it really was true that Daniel loved Bonnie he realized it when they kissed in the making of Harry Potter and the Half blood prince 

even if it was just for the sake of the filming he felt something his stomach made flips everytime they had to kiss for the sake of the filming 

he would have wolf whistled and clapped and cheered if it was for anybody else like Emma and Tom or Rupert and Georgia or even for Matthew and Angela

but it was for Bonnie his bonnie she was the one , he didn't know how to explain what he felt for Bonnie but he just knew that it was love

" Hey Dan David is calling you ?? " Emma said walking to Daniel

Daniel tried his best not to show off that he was crying but he couldn't control his tears they flowed freely across his cheek

" Daniel were you crying ?? what happened ?? " Emma asked putting a hand on his shoulder her voice so so so sooo soft seeing his state

" I don't know Emma I just an'tbeleive the fact that Bonnie is going to marry him " Daniel said sobbing more and more

" Dan you love her don't you ?? " Emma asked her voice was so so so casual that you can't even sense the fact that Emma was damn hell curious 

Dan nodded wiping his eyes with the back of his hand but still his eyes were a bit red and blood shot

" Dan you better was your eyes or else everyone will know you were crying " Emma said softly and walked back to the others while Dan nodded and washed his eyes thouroughly so that nobody should sense that he was crying

After that he tried to act normal and well succeded in it hey he is an actor he won't be able to play the role of Harry Potter if wasn't able to act like that 

But still he couldn't mend his heart , his boken heart , his heart that was missing , his heart which was stolen by a certain engaged but not to him red head 

( Word  Count : 840 )

( Fact : Daniel said he enjoyed filming romantic scenes with Bonnie )

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